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Comment Re:Only affects kernel 5.8 and later (Score 2) 110

My mistake. Apparently RHEL 8 is simultaneously affected and not affected.

Note that PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag attack vector is not available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and thus the currently known exploits leveraging this flag do not work. The underlying issue (lack of proper pipe_buffer structure initialization) is still present though and other novel ways leading to successful exploitation cannot be fully ruled out.

Comment Re:6 days vs 6 weeks (Score 1, Flamebait) 350

Dr. Fauci said in that interview that people shouldn't change their lifestyle at that point. Later he followed that up with

Hopefully we can protect the American public from any serious degree of morbidity and mortality. That's the reason why we've got to do the things we have in our plan.

So as a person, Trump didn't need to do anything yet to protect himself, but as a part of the government there were definitely actions he needed to take.

Comment Re:more info, pls (Score 3, Informative) 40

Imagine I run a website that serves ads. I know the ad company is shady and knows everything about my visitors. I also know the ad company will serve Trump ads to Republican visitors and Bloomberg ads to Democratic visitors.

Now I can give visitors a URL that scrolls to "Trump" in one of my pages. I can also detect whether that scrolling happened via javascript (e.g. timers) or other ways (e.g. delayed-loading images or iframes). That means now I can tell whether my visitor is a Republican or a Democrat.

Maybe this exact example wouldn't work this way, but it's the general idea.

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