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Journal Journal: The correct pronunciation of names is overrated.

It is a trap but here goes. If you play video games, like Warcraft III The Frozen Throne. And you sign in and play using a pseudonym, you are violating the rule. "if you say you are someone you are not, god said 'Fuck you' and youth is the hidden daemon of paedophiles. also, if you say the name of short range units you are violating the same rule a second time as 'melee' is the name of some kid in a wheelchair the daemons used to trap paedophiles. furthermore there is a strict three strikes r

Comment Re:Updated Policy: (Score 1) 372

Wrong, as with cod labeling all units will be assigned automatic, random, barcodes which are inked into their skin, resistance is futile death will be assigned to all non compliant software, including those with grandfathered unique names and social security numbers.

Comment Re:I wonder how the abuse victims feel. (Score 1) 301

the biggest problem with using computers to 'catch' paedophiles is that machines can fabricate evidence when 'ordered' to 'find concrete evidence'
and for those who wonder why machines are creating evidence in the first place, well. It is simple, virtually every piece of childhood content has some subtle hint of paedophilia. from 'peter peter, pumpkin eater' (child bride) to 'three blind mice' (three judges who looked the other way) To classic entertainment like, the three stooges.(hint a creampie in the face, is oral blowjob) i could go on down the rabbit hole, how are robots going to enforce penalties they are told to make? also, not all life forms live to be 18. are you gonna arrest the bacteria in your lungs for reproduction? are you going to arrest the blades of grass for their reproduction every year, and never stop growing? are you going to mow all the grass so it never fertilizes until it is 18 years old?!?! plants are alive and reproduce, even in climates where it plants never freeze, not many of them wait 18 years to grow up and make seeds.

anyway, i feel for you that you were victimized, a real child lover never takes one, for the love is too great, but a child rapist will take advantage with every opportunity.

User Journal

Journal Journal: So, here is what is going down real soon...

Okay, so I know. Everything. I remember the taunts. I remember the cruel jokes. I know the way I was kept too slow to understand. So, I am gonna film all my poop in 3d, on YouTube. Just because, a hacker from Texas suggested it as a taunt. I mean the color and consistency will support the type of poop I get, with all this icky drugs and stuff they feed me. I hope the sickness continues to spread until no living organism can survive, but that is just too optimistic. After all they been trying

User Journal

Journal Journal: for fun...

adam prayed to god for a bridle, the angel delivering the message couldn't find the 'l' key and god gave adam eve. which really pissed him off. the angel complained of the 'first no L' and later adam cursed i want a mail order bridle! which then gave way to 'mail order brides'

Comment Re:Lateral aerodynamics (Score 1) 236

there is a little thing that i recall from the 1980's called a 'spoiler' that gives more stability in high winds. and can be motorized, and automated for 'eco' mode driving vs, detected turbulence. in the 80's it was needed to get a car over a certain speed i am too lazy to look up the exact speed though.

User Journal

Journal Journal: watching my packet data...

i found a lot of browsing traffic. used wireshark of course, most was news sites and slashdot. This hardware does not trust linux. i know i tried to see if i could get it installed when i was on vacation. I still have two linux machines, though. plus tablets. the head games are getting hard though. I found myself trying to make a decision and would turn back and forth trying to decide what to do. I did start reading again on my tablet. I also have been streaming video. My doctor said 15 minu

Comment Re:Inflation? (Score 0) 674

Why do you think doing nothing is so bad? If your society treasures data troves then you need people to view and store data on the important subjects. Tasking this only to libraries and schools and corporations is not distributed enough. Libraries burn down. Schools are too focused on education. Corporations are driven by stress crazed lunatics. So, peer to peer data troves, run by people on dole sharing the programs they found useful takes away a lot of stress and fear of forgeting things. The corporations have given us a walled garden called Hulu where the diff clips are used to capture the info and language for English viewers to disseminate broadcast streams into usable text. Some people enjoy the riddles, and some people like stress, but peer to peer is meant to be part of civilization. Computers have memory leaks, and a basic income gives people who want to sit at home and record information on topics and not need cars or trains or buses the freedom to learn and educate. There are more to life than to work at structured environments. I have seen many people lose their mind playing games and letting hackers touch their files. Would a basic income really do us harm? It is not like the corporations are playing it safe with the future of earth.

Submission + - Jailbreaking Amnesty Declared by Library of Congress (

retroworks writes: A petition backed by Electronic Frontier Foundation, Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, and IFixit has been heard and endorsed by the Library of Congress, and for the next three years DCMA is not enforceable. You can hack devices you own. This applies to automobiles, cell phones, video games, tablets, and other devices previously guarded under DCMA.

From the EFF Press Release, "The Librarian of Congress has granted security researchers and others the right to inspect and modify the software in their cars and other vehicles, despite protests from vehicle manufacturers. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed the request for software access as part of the complex, triennial rulemaking process that determines exemptions from Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)."

Victory! (But.... Now what happens when VW emmissions software gets open sourced?)

Comment Re:Non-issue (Score 1) 169

amazon's app may crash, but android has a lot of good apps including the GPLed FBReader which while it is gpl'ed it doesn't do DRM. this leaves projects like project gutenberg gutenburg has a lot of old books. however beware, some public domain works like 'a princess of mars' have been converted into movies by disney (john carter is the movie version)

User Journal

Journal Journal: yo i have been having issues.

six week vacation so i played advance wars Dual Strike, i also got the 'golden sun' rpg for ds, and a couple other games. sleep cycle been all over the map, went to a few fast foods that promptly got a lobby repair and a broken drinking fountain. this is why you don't yell 'change nothing' into a command prompt when a polymorphic virus that has spread via the internet to infect the entire cluster oh, come off it you guys lie too, but my head is fucked up and i wanted it 'fixed' cause replayin

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