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Comment Ubuntu is awsome (Score 2) 185

Compare how a linux desktop was 10 years ago and how it is today. Like it or not, Ubuntu has driven most of the chages/controversies. I like to use it. Has it's issues, but overal, I realy enjoy it. I have much more complains from Gnome, for dumbing down too much, than from the Unity interface. I think most Slashdot users are too conservative to accept some changes and are allways complaining and acepting WORSE alternatives because they look "like it used to be". This is the problem with Slashdot. No forward thinking anymore.

Comment Re:Negative mass- not antimatter, but odd (Score 1) 214

I don't know very little about the subject, but I have a question and a speculation.
The question is what would happen in an encounter of 2 objects with symmetrical masses?
The speculation is about negative mass and antimatter... What if, somehow, negative mass was more attracted to antimatter? Could that explain why there is so little antimatter around?

Comment This was the last drop. (Score 2) 293

My nexus S was getting slow and I needed another phone. For some time I was seeing google changing open applications for closed ones. I already knew that the permissions on android were broken. I never installed LinkedIn because of the calendar permission... No reason for that! And then I see this Facebook update and an older one asking to authorize the keyboard to access the internet... Why?? I talked with some Friends with iPhones and I got convinced that iOS protects me better. I bought a second hand iPhone 5.

Comment Re:Poll talks (Score 1) 166

The problem with this "70% of I don't use Reader" is that the other 30% that used it. They are highly connected and, I bet, most of them are content producers. These are the trend creators. By pissing them, Google only has created the impression the its services cannot be trusted in the long term... And it will stick.

Comment Jboss != Jboss AS != WildFly (Score 3, Interesting) 40

JBoss started as a Java application server (AS). At some point it got much bigger and now is more like the Apache community. Lots of projects like Hibernate and Infinispan are part of it.
In the AS side of things, there were already 2 kinds of releases. Like Fedora, you have the 6 months(?) releases supported by the community and then, from time to time, you get the stable Red Hat EL to be used by clients with support contracts. WildFly will be much like fedora in this sense. Jboss AS will continue for the ones with support contract. Until now, if you used JBoss in a serious task, there was almost no difference in the quality between paid and unpaid versions, from now on, I think it will be a different story.

Comment Re:Boot times? (Score 2) 221

I shutdown my laptops a lot.
Hibernate takes forever to recover (I don't run only firefox...), so I don't use it.
Slep is Ok but for 2 or 3 times I forgot a laptop for several days and the battery got completely dead. Needless to say that its charge capacity is now around +-20%. Li-ion batteries should no be completely discharged.
Now I think twice before using sleep.
(I use Ubuntu)

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