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Comment Re:No Highs, No Lows, (Score 4, Interesting) 78

I fly monthly, and I have the Quiet Comfort 35 II (the previous model before the current ones). I find them indispensable, the almost completely remove the engine noise without any audio. While watching a movie or listening to music I cannot hear the engines at all. I would happily buy them again.

Comment Re:Google's approach to music is why I use Power A (Score 1) 107

If you want streaming of your own audio files (in your preferred format) I would suggest Plex (https://www.plex.tv/). I've recently decided to move as far away from Google as I can (iOS is probably just as bad in tracking) so I bought a personal cloud device and installed the Plex server on it. I then ripped all my DVDs and CDs onto the device and now I basically have Google Play Movies/Music/Photos.

I did have to buy the subscription ($120 for a lifetime license) but considering I'll be getting rid of Google Play Music at $10/mo I'll be turning a profit soon enough.

Comment Re:Unanswered questions (Score 1) 513

I have no inside knowledge of this, but I think I can answer your questions with some business logic.

1. Adobe CS/Apple Pro apps will work on Mac Pro hardware with XEON. So you'll pay $10k for professional work. You will, because Apple.
2. iOS/MacOS will become the same thing for non Mac-Pro devices. If you want the full power of MacOS, see above.

I read the article and while it says "All Macs" I am extremely skeptical that Apple would abandon the full horsepower that Intel gives. Then again, it is Apple and I am probably dead wrong.

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