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Comment Re:Mud in the water (Score 1) 442

Yes, the Israelis routinely spy on their sugar daddy. That attitude is but one of the many reasons that Israel is one of the worlds least popular countries, almost break even with North Korea. I don't think you should use them as an example of why that's OK. Incidentally the USA is less popular than the EU.

Comment Start your own business, and do A-Z by yourself! (Score 1) 1

My first job was when I was 17 years old at a used book store. I had been playing with *nix for 6 years already. My next job was at a small hosting company as a jr sysadmin. Then as a half senior sysadmin at a small telco. Then moved to the big city, as a sr sysadmin for another (bigger, nationwide) telco. Then for another company that provided administration services for telcos, and helped them migrate their infrastructure to Asterisk. They mistreated me, and owed me money, so I spoke to their biggest customer and offered to work for them directly, and reduce their costs in half. So I home-worked for ~2 years for them (I live in Argentina). I used that easy-to-earn, no-strings-attached job that payed in dollars (that I sold locally at a very succulent exchange rate) to start my own business. My associate and I did just about everything in the beginning. We developed a web-based DVR/NVR solution (this was back in 2007, and at the time most DVRs where ie-only and required activex. Our Firefox/Chrome/Mac/Linux/Tablet/iPhone/Android friendly alternative took off real quick). So I found myself developing, then beta-testing, then field-testing, doing sales and managing providers, building the systems, hand-crafting the aluminum cases we sold them in, laying cable, installing PTZ domes hanging from a tower 40m above ground, etc, etc, etc. I haven't had a more fulfilling job, ever. Our company grew quickly, and we now employ several guys, from coders to guys that work in the field laying cable, we branched into digital signage, e-learning, ERP software, home-automation, etc, etc. Now I don't have to do everything on my own anymore, but I get to choose when I want to get away from my desk and travel to a 5-star resort in the Iguazu Falls to deploy 200+ cameras, or travel the country for a few weeks deploying cctv for a company that manufactures agriculture equipment.

If you want to work out, see the sun, work out in the open, work with people, and essentially leave your desk to do some work in the real world, while still keeping your coding/administration day job so you don't lose your skills at the keyboard, start your own business.

Submission + - As a geek in the world of technology, do you ever envy non-tech/non-desk jobs? 1

An anonymous reader writes: Been doing this for as long as I can remember. Started with supporting end-users and workstations, advanced myself into building and supporting servers, from network infrastructures to ISPs and now designing private cloud networks. At no time through all these years I've defined what I do as a "job"; it has never been about money or benefits, but more of what I love and enjoy doing, which I can not stress on enough. I'm sure many of you already live a similar life style. However, For the past six months, I have been looking back at what I've done with my life and what I have contributed to society, trying to understand for what cause have I been doing all this work.

Unfortunately, nothing good came to mind. Nothing but uncountable hours spent sitting behind a desk staring at a computer or a laptop monitor for no less than 12 hours a day, missing out on this world, to which I have done nothing but build more and more computer networks that further contribute in eliminating the human touch, getting humanity to be more technology dependent, which we all know is man made and is prone to errors and failure.
  All this drove me crazy for six months in which I've been trying to think how I can change this. And one day, I saw a road construction worker.

Here is a man contributing into opening roads for people to get to places and be together. This got me thinking about all the networks I've worked on, with all the technology today that provides audio/video conferencing from the comfort of your couch, achieving a perfected version of what this man is trying to accomplish. Why is this man working on roads when we have advanced technology that gets humans together without the need to physically be together?

Then I looked around more and started noticing more and more people who do their daily jobs by not sitting behind a desk, getting their heads working 24/7 trying to design a virtual network that can not even be seen. They are preparing food, helping people by working at hospitals and care centers, getting people to places by driving cars and trains, educating generations by teaching.

This is the point where I thought to myself: "Jeez, it sure would be nice to do something different, and get back in touch with humanity".

At this point and age of my life, I will probably keep doing what I do, which is sad but true. However, if I'm asked, I always encourage younger generations to do something that is meaningful to them and to their society.

Oh, did I mention reading slashdot was part of all this for the past God knows how many 13+ years? heh

Kids: Stay away from drugs... and IT jobs.

# /root/h

Comment Re:HAH (Score 1) 274

There have also been videos of presentations by firms who work in this area that teach companies how not to hire americans (You can google that). If their really was no advantage to hiring H1-B over a US worker, then why would companies go out of their way to disqualify US workers...?

Seriously? Have you ever actually been in a hiring position?

Hiring people is hard, and risky. Even in jobs where the skill set required is very precise and easily measured, as in engineering, there are all kinds of other random factors that can make or break a new hire (personality, lazyness, ability to co-operate, etc). Companies use every trick in the book to try and reduce this risk, most commonly by tapping employees networks to try and find other people who are known quantities, instead of the random walk-ins you get via normal hiring.

So now you have an open position. Maybe it requires specialised skills. Maybe it doesn't exactly require specialised skills, but there's someone who you just know would be the perfect fit for that position. You know they're capable, creative, etc. Only problem - not an American (and for "American" you can also read "European" for an EU based company, etc).

So what do you do? Obviously the "cannot hire an American to do the same work" standard is absurd, you can always hire an American to do any job, they just won't do it as well as the guy you actually want would. But you have to prove you tried. Hence - gaming of the system. The goal of this process is often not to hire just any H1-B because they're cheaper (they have to be paid the same salary or higher, right?), it's often to hire a specific person and this is especially true at the higher job levels.

The simplest solution would be to eliminate the "cannot hire an X" standard which is unenforceable, unmeasurable garbage anyway. Just ensure the salaries are the same, and, longer term, try and convince people that they don't have some kind of right to a well paid job just because they got lucky in the birth lottery. That other guy who is more qualified but has the wrong coloured skin should have a chance too.

Comment Re:There are three kinds of lies. (Score 1) 274

Strong understanding of existing and emerging web standards, accessibility (WCAG1/2) and usability.
Familiarity with several JavaScript libraries, including Backbone and JQuery

lolwut, familiarity with some random JavaScript library is required? Dude, start writing your own job ads. It's clear that whoever is churning these out has no clue.

Comment Re:Methodology of poll (Score 1) 458

(A recent poll asked people if "Ben Ghazi" should be deported for his crimes, and many people said "yes, definitely!". It's easy to lead people into the position you want by framing it in the right way.)

It's ironic that in a post talking about misleading and biased poll questions, you refer to a "recent poll" asking people about Ben Ghazi. The only such "poll" I was able to find boiled down to some random girl on YouTube asking passersby on the beach. As you might expect, most of them were shirtless bro's. Example answer: "come on, we're better than that".

I happen to agree with what you wrote about the Assange poll, especially the second question which is a textbook case of how to produce manipulated polls. In the USA leaking IS a criminal matter so it'd not be surprising if a lot of people wrongly believed Assange had actually broken the law, meaning they couldn't reasonably answer "not a criminal matter". But you shouldn't segue from talking about opinion polls conducted by newspapers to "polls" conducted by some girl on a beachfront for laughs.

Comment Re:Isn't this done already? (Score 4, Interesting) 247

Usurper? Seriously? Firstly, Android is by many people's definitions more free than regular desktop Linux because it's licensed under a more permissive license.

Secondly, Android is actually a "desktop" Linux done right, by people who know what they're doing. As a disclaimer, I worked on desktop Linux related projects for years, about a decade ago. I wrote patches for GNOME, for ALSA, for Wine, and I also built an entire packaging and installer framework that tried to abstract out the differences between distributions so people could distribute their own applications without getting stuck into the swamp of distributor packaging (which was and always will be a shit idea). Many other things that I've forgotten about.

It was all a waste of time. Fundamentally, desktop Linux was not designed or built, it evolved organically. Any attempt to bring people together who might have some skill in OS design resulted in endless stupid flamewars and politics (does anyone remember the ridiculous KDE vs freedesktop wars?). The moment the community needed to move beyond the design laid out by the original creators of UNIX it all fell apart and became a mess.

Android is the best of all worlds - it's Free as in Freedom, it's managed centrally by a highly experienced team of computer scientists and OS designers (some of whom came from working on BeOS), the basic design decisions in it are correct - there's no crap whereby every phone manufacturer has to package every end user application. Heck you can see how popular with users it is just to have them distributing the core OS, you can imagine the disaster zone that'd occur if they used the Debian model. There's one audio API, that works. There's one graphics API, that works. It's standardised on one reasonably modern language, which works. No "we have to rewrite this from C++ into C for political reasons" garbage there.

Frankly it's a breath of fresh air and if it eventually wipes out traditional desktop Linux distros, you won't see me shed a tear despite all the work I did.

Comment Re:Since when (Score 1) 295

In fairness, aren't these the guys who were warning about the secret interpretations for years? Not all politicians are cut from the same cloth. The problem here is that they knew the NSA was lying but knew if they blew the whistle (which is their fucking job, being representatives of the people) then they'd go to the slammer. A simple solution would seem to be to pass a law saying that any classified information can be revealed by elected representatives at any time, and doing so automatically declassifies it with no penalty.

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