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Comment Re:$3M (Score 1) 64

Nope. Crypto is treated as any other capital gain and since they've held it for over a year it'll be long term capital gains, meaning 15 to 20%.

You only get taxed real money on earned income. Once you get wealthy enough to sit on your ass and watch your money make more money you don't need to worry about ever paying a high tax rate again.

Comment Re:This will lower prices across the board (Score 1) 60

Typically, the moderately progressive policies get 70% and up in national polling.

Meanwhile, here in the <sarcasm>Red State MAGA Land</sarcasm> known as Portland Oregon, all of the "progressive" candidates got their clocks cleaned in primary elections, by middle-of-the-road Democrats. If they can't win a primary election here what chance do you suppose they have in a general election in a purple/reddish Rust Belt State? Progressives look at someone like AOC and think they have the body politic with them. I look at AOC and think the idiot she ran against deserved to lose because he didn't bother to campaign or otherwise take her seriously. If he had been a little less complacent she'd still be a nobody.

Side note: You can cherry pick many progressive policies that are popular. I'd dispute that choice is one of them. Choice is a liberal policy, not a progressive one, and there's a huge difference.

Comment Unrealistic. (Score 1) 1

To be secure, you should always use the latest long-term stable kernel. [...] "So what is a vendor to do? The answer is simple: if painful: Continuously update to the latest kernel release, either major or stable."

That's unrealistic. You can't expect tens of millions of downstream programs to be retested and revalidated on a weekly or monthly cycle because you've discovered an error in your code and rather than backport the fix alone you want to make unrelated breaking changes.

I personally wait until the stable kernel has passed the 100 minor release mark before I upgrade to it. By then there's a track record telling me how reliable that series really is, and the changes are small enough that I can expect it to not break.

Comment Re:Just wait until Sexbots get a tiny more advance (Score -1, Redundant) 63

That's fair. My bad for jumping to conclusions. There is a depressing element of misogyny online and it truly baffles me. I'm in the middle of the height bell curve, far from jacked/athletic, not rich by any means, and during my manwhoring days (almost exclusively fueled by online dating, not a clubbing person, so it was rare for me to stumble across a physical/mental attraction in the real world) I had no issues whatsoever lining up dates and sex. The incel crowd wants you to think it's three sixes, six inch dick, six figure income, and six feet tall. I had none of those things during my manwhoring phase.

There's no trick to it other than be able to carry on a conversation, have a few interests you can talk passionately about, and accept the fact that sexual chemistry won't always be there. I wound up with some long term platonic friends out of my online dating days, who have been with me longer than any romantic relationship, including a few in other countries that I have since visited. Wouldn't trade those experiences for anything.

Comment Re:"And she'd know"... why, exactly? (Score 3, Insightful) 63

A good dating site sets you up, you find a partner, and you never come back

Why are you assuming every person on these sites wants to find a partner and never come back? Some people are looking for casual sex, others a situationship, others an activity partner they may or may not have sex with. The ultimate point to any dating site is simply to introduce you to other humans. What you do with those humans is entirely up to you and them.

Comment Re:Just wait until Sexbots get a tiny more advance (Score 1, Flamebait) 63

If you think sex bots can replace an actual human being you're probably an incel. And if all you're after is empty sex, well, it's not THAT hard to find, unless again, you're a misogynistic incel asshole.

The ratio ain't 10 to 1 either. It's closer to 1.8 to 1. Bumble publishes a lot of these stats if you care to dig into them, unlike the competition, which these days is almost all owned by one company. Bumble's stats aligns with what I saw in the pre-swipe era when it was actually tenable to look at all profiles in your geographical region. I dug into that on OkCupid in the oughts, before they sold out to Match and got lame. In every city I looked at it was between 1.5 to 2.0 men to every woman. I never regarded those odds as particularly burdensome, given the caliber of men that I was competing against, lol.

Comment Re:Payments (Score 1) 13

Maybe if you're working for Mom & Pop, Inc.

It's pretty hard to believe MGM doesn't have a SecOps team and that said team wouldn't be well aware of the fact that most ransomware extortion originates in unfriendly sanctioned countries.

Congress should pass a law making such payments illegal in all circumstances, IMHO, it will remove much of the incentive to commit these crimes in the first place. They'll still happen and a few smaller outfits (e.g., Mom & Pop, Inc.) may chance paying the ransom, but no large Fortune 500 with its legions of lawyers would do so.

Comment Re:What's Her Addiction (Score 2) 72

Insurance is priced on risk, if you live in hurricane alley, you're going to pay more, ditto if you have a bad driving record. Would you find it fairer if they weren't allowed to surcharge for DWIs and we all got to pay higher rates?

There's a lot the insurance industry does that I think is BS but this is not one of those things. You've picked a terribly lonely hill to die on if you seriously mean to stick up for all the poor victims of driving under the influence who now have to pay higher insurance rates.

I currently pay $8K a year to insure four cars that I own outright. Clean driving records.

I'm not sure if I should ask where you live -- because I've lived in States (Louisiana) with stupidly high insurance rates -- or if I should bust out my small violin for the poor broke individual that owns four cars. :D

We pay around $1,600/yr for two cars, that we do not own outright and carry collision/comp on, and hell, it was closer to $1,200 before the masses realized you could steal my partner's car with a flathead screwdriver and TikTok video. My 2024 model year costs less to insure than her 2019 model year, lol, how dare USAA price ease of theft into the rate.

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