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Comment Re:Future Business Case Study (Score 1) 502

I don't know about AAA, but here CAA is buying mobile charge stations. So they will be able to give you a quick charge so you can get to the nearest charger. I'm already seeing a lot more Model 3s on the road, and it's a very nice car. Yes it's expensive, but as with any new tech, it will go down in price. I can buy a Bluray player for 50-60 bucks now, they were ten times more expensive when they came out. So yes prices will trickle down. Besides, if you take in account the only maintenance you have to do on an EV is make sure the washer fluid is filled up, an EV makes sense in the long run.

Comment 15GB, really? (Score 4, Informative) 265

Some of us are not using their ridicule low bandwitdh for pirating stuff. 15GB goes by pretty fast when you're using a *legal* streaming service (also known as Netflix & such). Besides, some games go easily over multi-GB downloads, PC or consoles (most recent console is a PS2, I'm more of a PC gamer). What about people streaming from Tou.TV or other channel's streaming services, in a legal way? it's CD-tax all over again because they are stuck in a model that doesn't work anymore... What about people using backblaze or any other cloud service? My DVR has a 3TB drive, and I stream a good percentage of it over my phone while not home, so my legally recorded OTA contents is gonna cost me is I stream more than about an hour and a half of free ATSC? And they're wondering why people are going illegal IPTV...

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