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Submission + - Merck to Halt Lobbying for Vaccine for Girls

theodp writes: "Reacting to a furor from some parents, advocacy groups and public health experts, Merck said yesterday that it would stop lobbying state legislatures to require the use of its new cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil, which acts against strains of the sexually-transmitted human papilloma virus. The $400 3-shot regimen was approved by the FDA in June. Later that month, a federal advisory panel recommended that females 11-26 years old be vaccinated. The governor of Texas has already signed an executive order making its use mandatory for schoolgirls."

Submission + - Zelda Music Reorchestrated with Soundscapes!

An anonymous reader writes: I found this website who's goal is to re-orchestrate ALL of the music from the Legend of Zelda, giving them a high quality, orchestral feel. They have over 200 songs completed and are well on their way, and the songs are TOTALLY FREE! Also, this past weekend they released an album called "Soundscapes", a mix of previously released and/or entirely new ZREO songs and add environmental sound effects to them. This adds a whole new atmospheric element to the tracks. It makes you feel like you are actually in the game! Check them out at

Submission + - Americans more approving of terrorism than Muslims

Flo writes: "[Sorry for the double-submission... I forgot the link *blush*] An interesting study shows how misleading common prejudices can be:

[...] 46 percent of Americans think that "bombing and other attacks intentionally aimed at civilians" are "never justified," while 24 percent believe these attacks are "often or sometimes justified."
[...]Do these findings mean that Americans are closet terrorist sympathizers?
Hardly. Yet, far too often, Americans and other Westerners seem willing to draw that conclusion about Muslims.

Submission + - Vint Cerf at Google Speaker Series, India

zakkie writes: "Ajit Gaddam reports on a talk by Vint Cerf, Google VP and one of the people considered one of the "founding fathers of the Internet", held at Hyderabad, India. Cerf discusses the challenges facing Google in particular in a connected world, as well as exploring some potential solutions for both businesses and end-users in dealing with connectivity and security. Cerf also stated that were he to do things over again, he'd have pushed IPv6 over IPv4 right from the start."

Submission + - MSFT Plays up Open Source

An anonymous reader writes: One of the longest running open source databases — Postgres — has been around for nearly 11 years (I think.) The powerful object-relational database is a direct competitor to other OSS databases, as well as Microsoft's SQL Server 2005. So why is Microsoft promoting it? Thursday, Microsoft's open source software lab posted PostgreSQL on Windows: A Primer. At first, I get Redmond's interest in promoting anything that runs on Windows as a platform. But looking at this week's news: Ian Murdock visits Redmond, Microsoft and Novell announced their technical roadmap & Red Hat joins Microsoft's Interop Vendor program — is something bigger brewing in Bill's backyard? And how does Ballmer feel about this? The post is located at: resql-on-windows-a-primer.aspx
The Internet

Submission + - President Obama supports AppleGoogle's Purchase

An anonymous reader writes: President Obama Supports AppleGoogle's Latest Acquisition (HeardFirst Newswire) February 27, 2010, Washington D.C. President Obama, answering videomail questions during a Pepsi Rose Garden press conference, expressed his confidence that AppleGoogle 's imminent purchase of both DiggMyDeliciousSecondLife and StumbleFark would only have a positive effect on the net. MS Yahoo filed a legal briefing... applegoogle-president-obama

Submission + - MacGuyver In Space: Duct Tape and Tranqs

WED Fan writes: "NASA's contingency plan for unstable astronauts includes duct tape and tranquelizers.

What would happen if an astronaut came unglued in space and, say, destroyed the ship's oxygen system or tried to open the hatch and kill everyone aboard?

That was the question on some minds after the apparent breakdown of Lisa Nowak, arrested in Orlando this month on charges she tried to kidnap and kill a woman she regarded as her rival for another astronaut's affections.

But what if astronaut Homer, eating chips-on-the-fly lets loose a bunch of ants and...?"

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