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Comment Re:Automation? (Score 1) 144

Nah, they'll have to be added to SB/CP as an option first (by SB/CP developers). No way to just "plug in" a new search provider that I know of.

Even if there's no API, maybe SB/CP it could screen-scrape the results?

Comment I went through this program!! (Score 5, Informative) 118

Wow, good ol' Cyber Corp! I entered the program (the one in Tulsa, it's also at other schools, but Tulsa is the "heart" of the program) in January 2003 and had my MS in Comp Sci in 3 semesters, graduating in May 2004.

You're able to go to school full-time because they pay for your books, tuition, AND give you a stipend for housing/food/living either on or off campus. And that buck goes pretty far in Tulsa (I think my 2 bed, 2 bath appt was $550/month).

I went through the NSF-version of the program. The DoD version was for military personnel only (I think?) who wanted to get a better degree.

I was one of the few that didn't go to NSA. Wasn't comfortable with being a super-spook (especially during the Bush years), so I went to a more "benign" agency. You MUST make sure that you'll be able to get a security clearance before you sign up, because if you get selected for the program, go through it, and then can't get a job because you're not clearable, you owe ALL the money back (like $40K or so). However, I had one arrest with a suspended sentence (minor pot possession) and was able to get a Secret clearance with no trouble, though YMMV.

TU (University of Tulsa) has had an Information Assurance program since loooong before it was popular (very early 90s?), so they've had time to build up talent and are VERY well connected in terms of getting you a job. You're pretty much guaranteed a job at NSA. I know several folks who went there and enjoy the work. I know several others who didn't and left for the private sector after their "time as up".

It's a "scholarship for service" system for paying back your tuition/stipend. If it takes you 3 semesters to get your degree, you have to work for the Fed Gov for 18 months to be fully "paid back". Then you can quit the Gov and go work for a contractor and make big $ since you're already cleared. I stayed in Fed service for 2.5 years and then went back to the private sector.

Feel free to ask me any other questions. It was a great deal and I'm so happy I was able to get a free MS out of it.

Comment Re:At-will states (Score 1) 547

Hmm, maybe I will do a bit of analysis there.

One thing about Virginia: It is a VERY special case in that huge numbers of people there are employed either directly by the Federal Government or through very large federal contractors. The Virginia economy always does fantastically because of this, has home values that bounce back more quickly after recessions, etc.

Same goes for Maryland, but to a lesser extent.

Comment An infinite number of mathematicians... (Score 1) 637

An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar.

The 1st says "Pour me a beer"
The 2nd says "Pour me 1/2 of a beer"
The 3rd says "Pout me 1/4 of a beer"
The 4th says "Put me 1/8 of a beer"

The bartender, seeing the infinite number of mathematicians still waiting to order, says "OK, here you go everyone" and pours two beers.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 420

How is this any different than if a police officer goes on to your property, roots around in your garbage can and finds that you're dealing crack or leading an underage prostitution ring?

Garbage is a special case. By putting it at the curb, you're "relinquishing control" of it and saying you don't want it anymore. But a cop CANNOT come onto your property and search for evidence (sans warrant) on your property in a container that is not clearly a garbage can.

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