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Comment Re:Don't worry actors (Score 1) 360

Yes, the delivery is awful, but that is still the responsibility of the director. If the actor delivers poorly, you get them to do it again. And again. And again until they get it right. And if they still don't get it right, you take the time to weave a landscape in which they can place their character. And if they still don't get it, you consider getting directorial assistance, to help communicate what is needed. And if that doesn't work, you consider getting a different actor.

But what you don't do is say "good enough" and stick the fucking thing on the screen.

It is still Lucas.

Comment Re:Navigation (Score 2) 124

I had something similar in the US from the UK, my spatial awareness is not great anyway, but I was travelling around Florida and could not for ages figure out why kept going in the wrong direction. I'd look at a map, know the turn, take it and then later on realised I had gone exactly the wrong way.

It turned out not to be the sun, but how I mentally stored a turn. Because the roads are the opposite way, I must mentally store a left turn as coming immediately off the road, and a right turn as crossing the traffic.

I remember looking at the map, checking my next turn is left, then saying to myself "turn left turn left turn left" as I approached, then watched myself signal right and move over.

Once I figured it out I could reset things and it didn't happen any longer.

Comment Re:Well, (Score 2) 239

I have been using popfile to learn and file my emails for years so that the important ones rise to the top. I cannot imagine not having this. In the age of information overload, it is interesting that some people prefer not to offload this menial task to a computer.

Comment Re:explain? (Score 1) 647

See, kuzb, this would be an example of logical fallacy.

That there is a "they" that is taking choice away from someone.

It astonishes me that you can do anything with open source systems and suggest that you are having choices removed. I guess lots of people argued the same with Gnome. You know what those poor people did when their "choice" was taken from them? They chose something else.

This popcorn is delicious.

Comment Re:explain? (Score 5, Insightful) 647

Systemd changes the way various start up and backgound processes are triggered.

The aim is to come up with something that can do more than the current init / cron et al processes in a more coherent way than at the moment, which dates back decades. Many approaches have been taken over the years, but generally try to keep the foundation of how it works the same, but make it "better". systemd throws out everything and starts over with a different approach.

The reasons why people don't like it are legion. Some because of change resistance - this manifests in many different ways. Some because of the "who" of it. They don't like source of the change. Some of the resistance has a technical foundation - the first process in the current init is very simple and everything spawns from it. With systemd, it is complex, and so the fear is that it has an increased probability of failure or instability. And linux is founded on a reputation of stability. Arguments are that it isn't very unixy - which is to have lots of small tight components that do one thing well all working together. Arguments are that having many processes spawn to do something relatively straight forward is unixy, but that doesn't automatically make it good. Arguments are that having one (main) process mediate all this stuff is better than having everything mediate itself and try to cooperate with everything else.

The difficulty with all of the arguments, is that a significant proportion of them are emotionally based, rather than technical, but all are couched in a technical setting, which makes it extremely hard to really get to grips with the real pros and cons.

I am happy to have systemd on some machines, and happy to not have it on others. With regards to this whole topic, the best bet when you see a discussion unfold is sit back with popcorn and watch either sides arguments dissolve into logical fallacy.

Submission + - Firefox OS is Coming to Raspberry Pi (

ControlsGeek writes: Mozilla plans to build a version of it's FxOs operating system for use in the Raspberry Pi. Plans are afoot to build a version capable of (1) being run on the Pi hardware and (2) eventuality achieve parity with Raspbian and (3) World domination.

Comment Re:Err... Wait a minute... (Score 2) 92

A stethoscope is a medical device, and entirely tolerant of network failures. Add a sensor to it and wifi, and what it records could conveniently be saved to a network. It is just an internet of things device. If the network fails, it still performs its primary function.

Not every medical device is life critical, and obviously (or perhaps it isn't obvious), the ones that are life critical are less likely to be designed around a flakey network connectivity model.

Comment It is obvious isn't it? (Score 1) 213

Surely if a corporation wants to mine (and profit from) resources in outer space, which are owned by every one, they simply need to apply for a licence from a central body.

It should be fairly straightforward to negotiate a licence that makes it worthwhile for the mining corporation that also reflects ownership. So either a proportion of the resources or profits derived from those resources (via a tax) would be distributed to the treaty signers.

Comment Re:Big Android Problem (Score 5, Informative) 176

The Pdroid patches are a "better" approach. They allow apps to keep the permissions they are designed to use, but feeds them fake data when they use them.

This protects privacy without crashing apps. However, it requires either a custom firmware with it already baked in, or running the patches against official firmware+root. This places it out of the comfort zone of many.

Comment Re:Pretty but why? (Score 1) 35

Wow, I had lots of fun with pov back in the day, and Vivid before that.

Writing stuff directly in their respective scene language was a breeze too, and so easy to output from another language - so we used C to produce scenes and then leave POV to chug through them for days to produce animations.

Perhaps if Blender could import SDL, and given it can use POV as a renderer, it would make sense to stick with Blender so you only need one main tool.

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