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I work in the physical sciences and it's frustrating to see the pass that climate science gets stating the certainty of their conclusions. In any other field, the uncertainties introduced by solar weather, CO2 contributions, ocean temperatures, global humidity, and orbital mechanics would render conclusions about 2 degrees Celsius variation as an unproven (i.e. null) hypotheses. Yet because of a well-orchestrated popular opinion driven by media, actual scientists have to mute their observations and conclusions.

Comment Re: How surprising,... (Score 3, Informative) 478

Except the stats don't back up the 'sky is falling' position...the world is much better now than ever before. And it is much better for the poor than it was before.

I, for one, don't miss polio, small pox, massive deaths in wars, and a lack of access to information.

Leftist, centrist, rightist...the one thing they all have in common is they are pessimists. Put on some Louis Armstrong, enjoy the sun, and then make the world even better for the future.


Comment Re:Given that we know oceanic emissions create sto (Score 1) 136

The data are interesting; however, to draw a conclusion on storm intensity (which isn't defined in the paper) from lightning strikes is a stretch. If you look world-wide, the trend is a lot of lightning strikes along the equator, where the local strike concentration is higher. Especially in the region of that paper.

Remember, science is the continued review of the hypothesis with testing and observation, not an interesting data set.

Comment Re:Yo! Taxes, fool! (Score 1) 370

My understanding is that London and San Francisco are near equivalent in terms of real estate prices per square foot/meter (London is moreso, I think) to buy. To rent, San Francisco is much more expensive (according to Numbeo, and if non-tech workers can't afford to live near the city (the whole market is getting bad), then how can we have servers at our restaurants?

Mortgage terms vary, typical is about 3.5 to 4.0 percent over 30 years fixed, but others have variable 5 year fixed etc. The banks have gotten much tighter in lending requirements.

Comment Re:Yo! Taxes, fool! (Score 4, Informative) 370

I live in Silicon Valley. The nominal tax rate for the top bracket was 52% in California, not sure what it is with the new tax bill. Last year, my effective tax rate was about 38% excluding sales and property taxes, which would bump me up to an effective tax rate of about 43-45%.

The hardest part is the down payment and the lack of inventory. Every time you put in an offer, you're competing against a lot of people with fresh RSUs and no contingencies, so unless you have 25% to go down (usually 200-400K), you're not likely to get a place you want. A lot of people are paying almost 50% of their after tax income to mortgages.

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