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Comment Re:race to the bottom (Score 1) 245

Yes, you can go to France and employ people easily provided you do not break any French laws, like not paying them enough. France has laws yet employers still discriminate based on things like your last name. For examples, if it doesn't sound French, you will not get a job.

Anyway, I don't know WTF you are talking about. You can go to France and start a business just like you can start a business in US.

Income taxes, and taxes in general are there to reduce monetary supply. Gov't, though the Fed, increase monetary supply. To make things balance and so *your* money retain value, there are taxes. Without taxes, USD would get railroaded.

Why should I work my ass off to make more money, and increase demand for employees, if I have to pay more taxes on what I make? That's robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Utter bullshit. It is called disposable income. If you earn $20k/year you will spend that money for local stuff because you have to live. If you earn $300k/year, you will not spend all of the money on necessities of life! You can afford to subsidize services that the $20k/year person uses.

And it is utter BULLSHIT to say that $20k/year works 15 times less than a $300k/year employee. By that definition, wouldn't the bankers earning $20m/year work 1000x times more than teh $20k/year concrete worker?

Your salary is not an absolute gauge of your input labor! The $20k/year concrete worker or a farmer that manager to just stay afloat may be working 1000x more than a $2 million a year trust funder, yet you would rather support that trust funder and kick the farmer and the concrete worker in the ass because they are not working enough for their services (ie. paying less taxes then services they get). Sorry mate. Rich people don't really care how much taxes they pay. Only the "I want to be rich too but I am not so I will blame government for it" people care.

Comment Re:Double no (Score 1) 429

You are a complete moron to not even being able to google stuff like this before forming your opinion in 2 seconds.

No pain is a very serious genetic disorder.

"Those people, who do not feel any pain at all, usually die before they turn 25"

"A lot of parents would be happy to have a baby, who does not wake them up at night."..."When Ashlyn's teeth started growing at the age of six months, the girl shredded her own lips with them."

âoeSome people would say thatâ(TM)s a good thing. But no, itâ(TM)s not,â says Tara Blocker, Ashlynâ(TM)s mother. âoePainâ(TM)s there for a reason. It lets your body know somethingâ(TM)s wrong and it needs to be fixed. Iâ(TM)d give anything for her to feel pain.â

The untreatable disease also makes Ashlyn incapable of sensing extreme temperatures â" hot or cold â" disabling her bodyâ(TM)s ability to cool itself by sweating. Otherwise, her senses are normal.

So yes, your opinion is quite stupid.

Comment Re:That was Joe Clark's fault (Score 1) 651

Harper's politics in a minority are not his politics if he had a majority. Plain and simple.

At least I can say that Joe Clark had balls. I would vote for Joe Clark just because I know what the guy brought to the table based on his proposed budget. On the other hand, Harper just wants to manipulate public opinion to get majority. Then his real self will come out. Just look at his first appointments to the cabinet - a never-ever elected buddy he appointed to the senate just so he can make him a minister!!

I would not vote for someone like Harper because he's a megalomaniac. No one in his caucus dares to fart without his permission, never mind talk openly.

Trudeau had some shitty ideas about governance. But Harper is even worse.

Comment Re:If You Can't Lead--Get Out Of the Way (Score 1) 297

Exactly. Plus you are missing a few,

Galileo - Jupiter -
Cassini & Huigens - Saturn & its moon titan -â"Huygens
Spirit & Opportunity - Mars landers

then we have a whole slew of satellites for observing sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon and Mars. Just go to for overview. There is also that fast flyby by Pluto - the only planet not yet observed closely.

Comment Re:Pay Attention Here... (Score 1) 207

Yes, because the current system of "Sorry, the procedure recommended by your doctor was not deemed appropriate by Accountant #24 of your health insurance. We wish you luck with your blocked arteries. The procedure would result in more payout from us than we can recoup from you. Oh, and we can't renew your insurance for next year if you still live. Cheerios!"

Comment Re:newness is not an excuse in this case (Score 1) 207

Old, crappy systems gets maintenance and continue to function, barely. What's next? Donuts have fat in them? People die of heart attacks?

It doesn't matter if what they have is old or can be now made with rails or whatnot. It matters that it does the job. And you examples of failure have nothing to do with website. They have to do with how data is stored on the backend. And if people are not reporting their data, how is it the fault of the website???

Garbage in = garbage out. All data management systems can only report the data that they have, not the data that they should have or ought to have.

Comment nVidia already provide for HPC (Score 1) 295

Look at nVidia's website. They already provide HPC solutions,

# of Tesla GPUs 4
# of Streaming Processor Cores 960 (240 per processor)
Frequency of processor cores 1.296 to 1.44 GHz
Single Precision floating point performance (peak) 3.73 to 4.14 TFlops
Double Precision floating point performance (peak) 311 to 345 GFlops
Floating Point Precision IEEE 754 single & double
Total Dedicated Memory 16 GB
Memory Interface 512-bit
Memory Bandwidth 408 GB/sec
Max Power Consumption 800 W
System Interface PCIe x16 or x8
Software Development Tools C-based CUDA Toolkit

Maybe point your quantum mechanics simulations people to HPC specific nVidia solutions, not commodity hardware not designed for HPC (ie. no RAM, limited cores, etc.)


Submission + - UK's new police "wartime" powers

gnuman99 writes: For all those that think UK residents retain their privacy in spite of the new lip-reading and talking CCTV cameras, there is another nail-in-the-coffin of privacy and freedom from the Tony Blair government. It gives unprecedented "wartime" powers to police officers. UK's Times Online reports,

New anti-terrorism laws are to be pushed through before Tony Blair leaves office giving "wartime" powers to the police to stop and question people.
John Reid, the home secretary, who is also quitting next month, intends to extend Northern Ireland's draconian police powers to interrogate individuals about who they are, where they have been and where they are going.
Under the new laws, police will not need to suspect that a crime has taken place and can use the power to gain information about "matters relevant" to terror investigations.
If suspects [how is a person of interest a suspect?] fail to stop or refuse to answer questions, they could be charged with a criminal offence and fined up to £5,000. Police already have the power to stop and search people but they have no right to ask for their identity and movements. Related Links
No general police power to stop and question has ever been introduced in mainland Britain except during wartime.

Furthermore, these laws did *nothing* in the civil unrest in Ireland. The entire decades old conflict ended when the *mothers* and *sisters* of the fighters said that enough is enough. That is when the NRA laid down their weapons because they had no support from the community. They lost their purpose. They certainly didn't do it because they were somehow afraid of the police!

I lived in the former Soviet Block country and spent some time in the Soviet Union itself, I know that these laws were also part of the KGB. They could stop anyone for any reason. Many in the west have joked about these laws with a simple phrase when police stops you "Papers!". KGB used the poor excuse of spies and saboteurs to explain these laws (although they never found any). If they just thought of using terrorism, maybe people in the East Block would have never revolted.

But the real question is will the British public accept these new laws as they did everything else in the recent years? Or will they fight for their freedom, as the great generation once did?
United States

Journal Journal: The terrorists have won (some bad language) 7

So someone here on the 'dot has a .sig that goes something like this:

Behold, for I have created a nation of humorless pussies - Osama Bin Laden

I don't normally use such language. Unfortunately, I run across stories that make me think this quote is 100% spot-on.

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