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Comment Staying in the foundry biz requires more than x86 (Score 1) 41

If they want to remain a fab behemoth than having a wide application open processor could help amortize a lot of aging foundry equipment and support investment in new generations. We're used to Intel having a leading edge advantage in chip making, losing that has been hurting them badly. We're used to focusing on their long battle with AMD but it is TSMC et al that are really hurting them (and letting AMD compete)

Comment Re:Cost $182 (Score 3, Informative) 56

Japan has universal health care with heavily regulated markets so the price to tax payers will probably be as advertised there. Hopefully since this is diagnostic stuff it might be reasonably priced elsewhere as well when exported, since diagnostic stuff doesn't have the life and death extortion factor that alows charging unlimited amounts in countries where corporate lobbyists control health care.

Comment Re:This is getting out of hand (Score 1) 121

One cloud advantage is when the client demand is occasional but intense. Rather than each client needing their own server resources to handle a peak capacity that is only required occasionally and transiently a pool of shared resources can handle things like voice processing.

It isn't just magic pixie cloud dust, there are use cases where a shared pool of resources is vastly more efficient and less expensive than having every client need expensive resources that sit idle 99+% of the time.

Comment 13.5 hours doing what? sleep mode? (Score 1) 75

My surface pro 4 lasts a few hours at most just doing light browsing. if I turn off all networking/blue tooth and turn down the screen brightness I can get a little more reading .cbr comic archives. (primary purpose of tablet purchase). I wish it had a good battery life, I could use it at work for meeting notes and diagramming but it doesn't and I don't.

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