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Comment Re:Same shit different day (Score 1) 95

If you want that kind of excitement nowadays, try Google Cloud's documentation :) Some parts are excellent, some parts are just not there which makes debugging issues a challenge, especially since the error messages often are very generic making it almost impossible to filter down to good hits on Google or SO.

Comment Re:Oh please. (Score 1) 675

A good implementation (as many terminals I've tried in Europe) lets you insert your card/enter the pin while you wait for the cashier to enter the things you bought into the cash register. That is, they do their things as fast as they can, you do your thing in parallel.

Once the cashier is done, you see the sum and press "accept" with barely a second waiting time until it asks you to remove the card. You don't even need to wait for the receipt to be printed unless you want the printed copy.

Old style "sign terminals" in the US (haven't been for a while) forced you to sign once the cashier was done which should actually be slower. Has that changed in the years since I've been there?

Comment Re:Proxy? (Score 1) 123

Could just be so easy as Lodsys going after the small developers to force Apple to pay up. Going straight for Apple will probably drag out for ages in court, while going after the developers will have an immediate chilling effect and forces Apple to at least consider buying out the patent without much of a bargaining position.

Comment Re:The obvious solution (Score 1) 141

I'm not sure how I became an astroturfer for someone not even mentioned in the thread before you just did.

I agree it's harder to violate the GPL than most commercial licenses, my point was that it's a bad idea to use _any_ license - FOSS or commercial - without knowing what you agree to by using it.

The limitations are usually there, just in different forms for different licenses.

Comment Re:AOL Is Bad At This (Score 2, Insightful) 122

Not only that. AOL seems very US centric, the acquisitions they make (most striking example being ICQ) just seem to "stop existing" internationally.
ICQ was quite popular among the people I know (in Sweden), but since AOL bought them I've only ever heard of them in the context of being considered for sale or now being sold. The service works internationally for sure, but the little marketing I've seen for Live Messenger totally crushes anything I've heard about ICQ for years. In the context of the Internet, no news isn't good news. No news is abandonware.

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