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Comment Re:Jeez (Score 1) 118

you don't have to live in a particular place anymore with those kinds of jobs. If you aren't finding work as a software developer, working for anywhere within the Continental United States, you are doing it wrong. There are countless number of software opportunities now and most of them are remote. Sure, you might make a little less in some situations but you will still make out in the end - living somewhere where cost of living is 4x less than any cost on the coasts.

Comment Re:Will phase out about that. (Score 1) 163

actually its more than a one-time payment. you also get unemployment benefits (extended) for up to 4 months plus $600 - which also include the self-employed, 1099ers, freelancers, gigsters, which you would have never been eligible for otherwise.

That means for 4 months you get the unemployment numbers from your state + an additional $600 for 4 months. After those 4 month you will continue to get state unemployment beyond 2020 (its normall 26 weeks but they added an additional 13). So you get all this on TOP of the one-time payment.

So in summary:

One-time payment (family of 4 would be $3,400) + normal state unemployment benefits ($XXX per week * 39 weeks) + 600 per week (up to 4 months).

Comment Software Dev Contractors (Score 1) 188

This is going on over many spectrums of software now for so called "freelancers" or "contractors". I can't tell you, as a freelancer, how many companies are hiring a "contractor" for their mobile app or webpage and want them to work 40 hours a week and many times onsite (no remote allowed), despite the IRS being very clear on how employers should treat non-employees

The whole point of being a freelancer/contractor is to do the work, when you want, how you want and where you want as long as deadlines are met, no matter how many hours it takes. If we are stuck working full time and cant even work remote then whats the point? All they want to have is the availability and work of a regular employee, without having to pay for benefits.

Comment Spectrum/Charter (Score 1) 238

I chose to go with Spectrum Choice. Its a new plan that they don't advertise online. It doesnt require a cable box

You get all the local stations plus a few freebies, then you get to choose 10 cable channels (yes even ESPN, ESPN2, which allows you to have Watch ESPN by default, if you are wondering).

Spectrum Choice (streaming using a Roku, whatever) via the Spectrum App - $30 (including the local broadcast fees)
100 mpbs internet: $65

$104.00 w/taxes. About the cheapest and closest to a la carte as you are going to get.

Comment Re: Its a dead corp walking! (Score 1) 125

for personal car ownership to be "rare" you are gonna have to have an ecosystem outside of big coastal cities where people can easily get from one place to the next. Not just single people. People with families, pets, other relatives, etc. People that need to get to a certain place now and cant afford to wait an extra minute or at the last minute they plan to go shopping or eating out.

It's easy to look at New York or San Fran but the rest of the country is far more spread out, have less options for 3rd party transit and if they do have any sort of other alternatives, it's not convenient. I live in the Tampa, FL area and I'm not in the middle of nowhere and it takes me 10 mins to get the nearest walmart in the vehicle - so you can forget about walking.

Submission + - Blockbuster Video now has just one store left on Earth.

Cutting_Crew writes: After the last remaining Blockbuster Video store closed in Australia on March 31st, there is only one remaining left on earth. That location is in Bend, Oregon and seems to be a thriving location, where they write out membership cards by hand and the system is rebooted using floppy disks, apparently only something one person, the general manager, knows how to do.

If you are wondering how there could be still blockbuster videos open since they went bankrupt back in 2010, the remaining stores left open were independent franchises and were separate from most of the other corporate stores, thus not part of the bankruptcy. There was also an Onion video before they even went bankrupt that's pretty funny.

I remember getting a membership way back in late 90s and new releases were $8 per night. Even then, that seemed way too expensive. What are your most memorable (good or bad) memories of your local blockbuster?

Submission + - Epic Games being sued by Alfonso Ribeiro for the Carlton Dance(Fresh Prince)

Cutting_Crew writes: Alfonso Ribeiro is suing Epic Games for the Carlton Dance, which was introduced in an episode from Fresh Prince of Bel Air in 1991. Epic Games has an emote that you can buy for $5 in the game called "Fresh" and seems to be a copy of the "Carlton" dance. Alfonso is suing, even though he is still in the middle of copyrighting the dance (assuming a dance move is even copyrightable to being with).

Also in the article, theres a few more cases outstanding from different personalities that have also had their moves mimicked.

A recent case involves the kid from SNL doing the Floss Dance . He might have a better case, since he's out there promoting it, using it, teaching people how to do it, etc.

Fornite also mimicks other popular dance moves like "Groove Jam" from Season 4 from Napolean Dynamite, although the studio has yet to file any lawsuit as of yet.

In the case of Alfonso Ribeiro, it seems like a 'bad faith' move since he has had 30 years to make something of the Carlton dance — whether using it, promoting it or having licensing deals using it. Instead it could be perceived that he is using this opportunity to make a quick buck from a company that has deep pockets.

Should dances (like other art) be copyrightable or is it on case by case basis? Some dances could be so ingrained into society that it would be categorized as 'commonplace' and thus not copyrightable but other dances/choreography, part of well known plays and acts might be more apt to getting awarded from intellectual property.

Submission + - Kavanaugh hearing - Senator Tells the Truth

Cutting_Crew writes: During the Kavanaugh hearing and after all the smearing and yelling Senator Ben Sasse unloads on Congress as to why we are where we are. Nine Supreme Court Justices (or any judge) shouldn't be making new law, finding loopholes to insert new law into existing law or using their personal feelings or preferences to rule. It should rule on what the legislature has passed.

As Ben Sasse explains this is why there is no much vitriol with supreme court nominees because the people have no other recourse, no other avenue to fight back because the legislature has been passing on responsibilities to other branches.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 3, Informative) 79

exactly. i mean whats the point? If you are close to dead even staying with your cable co. or the equivalent, its not worth the hassle. I have spectrum and if i just choose the basic internet plan (which i think is 75 mbps). its $80 + tax. So i go with youtube and pay $40 + tax and now i'm paying as much or more than what i pay for the previously mentioned basic internet plan + the lowest tier cable package.

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