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Comment What about internal vs. external sound card? (Score 1) 520

Seems nowadays quite many of the pro(sumer) sound cards are external ones connected via USB.

Presumably the idea being to isolate the DAC from all the electrical noise inside the case?

What about latency on these things? One would imagine that one extra protocol hop would add latency, and then traffic would have to be shared with other traffic on the same bus? I mean, people doing audio production seem to be sensitive to latency, to the point that Linux users use the RT kernel. Is USB really up to it?

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 222

So you're claiming ACID; IOW you are saying your system provides consistency as per the definition used in CAP?

How do you deal with network partitions? That is, per the CAP theorem, if you have C, is your system CA or CP?


Comment Shameful (Score 1) 419

As others have mentioned, this is nothing but the latest attempt to kill off the used books market. The textbook industry is just a big racket.

Curiously, the obvious solution of using widely available free online textbooks is ignored (see e.g. for a directory). Oh yeah, can't do that because we "need to save the textbook industry".

Of course, free online textbooks aren't the answer to everything, say for some grad-level specialized course the selection of appropriate textbooks might be quite limited, if available at all. But for all those massive "XXX 101" courses, surely the free online resources are plentiful, and some even very good quality. Or maybe even better, as a free online textbook writer has no incentive to bulk up the book with useless fluff, which just wastes student time when reading.

Comment Re:Cool idea (Score 1) 547

It was similar in Finland as well, you had to write a letter to the local parish explaining why you wanted out, and the priest had to grant you leave. It wasn't until, oh, maybe 5-10 years ago when the law was changed so that you only need to notify the magistrate (so that they won't withhold some of your income for church tax), and the site went up at about the same time to make it even easier.

Comment Re:Somehow I dont think its a loss of religious fa (Score 1) 547

I think there is some guarantee yes, but it's not eternal. AFAIK graves are often reused after some decades when the corpse has rotted away to the point that they can dig down a new one in roughly the same spot.

Also, I think that as the official state church, the Lutheran church has some kind of responsibility for taking care of bodies of people who don't belong to any particular faith nor have any kin paying for the disposal, or such. I suspect most parishes have some odd corner in the graveyard for these people, or then they are cremated, whichever is cheaper. FWIW cremation is increasingly common in the cities also for church members, for obvious reasons.

Comment Re:Original Source and Actual Paper (Score 4, Informative) 462

Unfortunately, the summary as well as the short articles on the web were more or less completely missing the point. The actual paper ( ) explains what was done.

Essentially they benchmarked a number of applications, figured out where the bottlenecks were, and fixed them. Some of the things they fixed where done by introducing "sloppy counters" in order to avoid updating a global counter. Others were to switch to more fine-grained locking, switching to per-cpu data structures, and so forth. In other words, pretty standard kernel scalability work. As an aside, a lot of the VFS scalability work seems to clash with the VFS scalability patches by Nick Piggin that are in the process of being integrated into the mainline kernel.

And yes, as the PDF article explains, the Linux cpu scheduler mostly works per-core, with only occasional communication with schedulers on other cores.

Comment Re:And... (Score 4, Interesting) 342

Btrfs is a product of Oracle. Oracle now owns ZFS outright and controls the fate of Btrfs in terms of developer resources. One guess as to whether Oracle will remain motivated to complete Btrfs.

If Oracle for whatever reason decides to stop investing in BTRFS, the likely outcome AFAICS is not that BTRFS dies, but rather that Chris Mason and his team jump shop to Red Hat, Novell, Google, IBM or some other Linux contributor with an interest in seeing BTRFS succeed. That's one of the advantages of a collaborative project like Linux which isn't subject to the whims of any single corporation in complete control.

To the extent that there might be a threat against BTRFS, depends on how the ZFS-WAFL lawsuit plays out. I wouldn't be particularly surprised if Oracle settles with Netapp, covering only official Solaris releases, leaving other ZFS versions (Illumos, Nexenta, FreeBSD, etc.) out in the cold, and perhaps BTRFS as well, depending on to which extent the WAFL patents apply to BTRFS.

Comment Re:my wishlist (Score 1) 159

1. User-space scheduling. It would be nice if a process could have better control on the priority of each of its threads. For example, on a web service where multiple users are active, it is often necessary to give each user his/her share of the cpu. Right now this is rather difficult to do in a fair way, since multiple threads may belong to the same user.

If normal priorities aren't sufficient, you can setup cgroups.

3. "Nice" for bandwidth.

For IO, ionice? Or, again, cgroups allows fair sharing IO and network BW, IIRC.

4. "Select" or "poll" with access to inter-thread synchronization structures. Select and poll are system calls which act mainly on file-descriptors. However, sometimes you'd like to wait also on a mutex or semaphore. Some support for this would be great.

Isn't this what pthreads condition variables are for? Or can you explain what you want in more detail?

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