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Comment Re:Fukushima-style? (Score 1) 248

they know that the engineers strive to make it safe but the management strive to make it profitable; I don't even blame them for that, that's their job and even one could say their duty. But this means that accidents, leaks and spills are bound to happen, and the problem with radioactivity is that once it's there it's here to stay, people understand that pretty well in my opinion.

I think, an additional factor is that nuclear reactors require a huge infrastructures and are operated by huge hierarchies. I would think a small team of experts might be trusted with the inherit risks, because the channels of communication are short. But as is, nuclear power is unsafe -- not because it is technically risky, but organizationally risky. The same applies to all the other examples mentioned.

Comment Re:Layoffs (Score 1) 640

Bull. If you think SQL Server, Exchange and Sharepoint aren't huge for them, you're nuts, and they're positioned to grow. Sharepoint is growing quickly, and within a couple of years will be really, really hard to dislodge. The number of new installations in corporate and education would make the Open Office folks giddy. Everyone here focuses on Windows and Office, trust me, Sharepoint and Exchange are a huge, huge deal.

You are mostly right about Sharepoint. However, I see it as a defensive product (to protect the Office revenue). And while its quality is just terrible, it is still a major threat to Open Source in SMB.
However, Alfresco is a company by people who really know how to do content-management (ex-documentum guys), not just one guy (Ozzie) who needs to change momentum and mindset in a 95000 (wait, 80000 by now) employee gorilla. And Alfresco is open source and very visible from the start.
Sharepoint adoption is very slow for a Microsoft product, esp. one that is so critical for Microsoft. In addition, its integration with Microsoft Office is a much, much weaker leverage than the ones Microsoft used before (Windows-Office, Windows-IE, Windows-DirectX).
The few useful cases of integration between a CMS like Sharepoint and a Fat Client Office are easily replicated for OOo.
So, yes, if Sharepoint works out the way Microsoft hopes too, that would block any meaningful competition for another ten years and slow down progress. However, it didnt look like that would be the case in early 2008 and the recession/depression we are heading into will make decision makers much more leery and rigorous about infrastructure decisions.

Comment Re:Layoffs (Score 4, Insightful) 640

Microsoft isn't going anywhere. Let's review which market segments they are involved in:
* Productivity Software (...)
* Workstating (sic) Operating System Software (...)

And without those two, MSFT is dead. On the other markets they are either way too small (database servers), or their operations are just burning money.

Comment Re:unsurprising. (Score 1) 183

You know, there have been a few cases of trying to work with some Open Source software that I find the following bit of logic in there:

If (1){ do stuff } more stuff

I was confused when I first saw a

do { do stuff } while(false); more stuff

until if found out this was an obfuscated goto, because there where break; or continue; statements in the "loop".

Your ifs might be a workaround around compiler bugs (for example a compiler supporting variable scopes only in "real blocks" or something like that).

Sun Microsystems

Submission + - Sun to cut up to 6,000 Jobs

no-more-HB1s-needed writes: Looks like the IT jobs market might be getting harder real soon. According to an article over at Bloomberg:

Sun plans to cut as many as 6,000 jobs as the company tries to cope with plunging sales of server computers to financial firms, market-share losses to bigger competitors and a spiraling stock price. ... Sun is the third company in Santa Clara, at the heart of California's Silicon Valley, to cut jobs this week as technology companies cope with the worst sales slump since the dot-com bubble burst in 2000. Applied Materials Inc., the largest maker of chip-production machinery, announced plans to cut 1,800 jobs, and mobile-phone chip builder National Semiconductor Corp. said it will shed about 5 percent of the staff.


Submission + - Transactional Memory at Sun

12357bd writes: The register is reporting that : 'Hoping to improve the state of server software, Sun Microsystems has confirmed that it will include support for transactional memory with the first generation of its Rock processors due out in the second half of next year.'

Does it means Transactional Memory will become a major trend?. Details of sun implementation at sun research site..

Submission + - Microsoft gets company's code-signing cert revoked

Beryllium Sphere(tm) writes: Australian firm Linchpin Labs released a free tool called Atsiv on July 20 to allow 64-bit Vista users to install unsigned drivers.

It was a simple hack: a signed driver that could install other drivers without checking their signatures.

By August 2, Microsoft had persuaded Verisign to revoke Linchpin's code signing certificate. The revocation takes effect the next time a computer is rebooted.

Scott Field of Microsoft said "Microsoft is committed to protecting its customers from potential as well as actual security threads[sic]".

History buffs may remember a similar incident from 1997 in which the author of an ActiveX control to shut down a computer found his certificate revoked.

Lockergnome coverage of the Linchpin Labs story.
Microsoft announcement of revoking Linchpin's certificate and adding them to the blacklist in Windows Defender as "potentially unwanted software".

Submission + - Getting out while the Gettin's good? 1

An anonymous reader writes: OK, so I live in the Bay Area, and have for years and years now. I also run my own small but growing and successful local business. I have a lot to keep me here, friends, clients, and more. Yet, due to fortune of birth, I also have Canadian citizenship. And, due to fortune of my skills and profession, I know folks there who could get me a decent job pretty easily while I restart my business there. I've never thought about moving out of the good ol' USA, but these days it don't always seem so Good. Seeing that I've got an easy out, and how so many here when topics such as Real ID come up say to 'get out' while we can, well, as a big ol' geek I ask Slashdot: Should I get out while the gettin's good?

Submission + - HP looks to expand open source services

Robert writes: Hewlett-Packard is seeking to expand its budding open source services business by targeting some of its customers' key concerns — notably governance of open source software. Among his targets are open source legal compliance and licensing, which is one of the biggest challenges of open source governance that HP customers face, Hergett said in an interview. "As they're wanting to adopt more open source and Linux across a broader part of the enterprise, they're... putting a lot more though into how they're going to govern open source, because it's very different from traditional software in a lot of areas."

Submission + - H1-B limits drastically increased by S.1348

An anonymous reader writes: S. 1348 is an extensive rewrite of US immigration law currently being debated in the Senate. What has gotten buried in all the debate about illegal immigrants is that the H1-B visa program will be drastically expanded by this bill in its current form. H1-B visas are currently limited to 65,000 new visas per year, with a six year maximum stay.

By my reading, If S. 1348 passes as-is, H1-B visas will immediately be increased to 115,000 per year, and each year the full number is issued the number will increase by 20%. There is no cap on this increase.

In 9 years, the government could be issuing half a million H1-B's per year.

Apart from the H1-B issue, this bill (if passed) is a major rewrite of US immigration law and well worth your attention.

I've written my senators specifically about this increase. If you feel strongly about this, please call, write, or email your senators... do something now. If you wait, it will be too late to do anything about it other than lament or celebrate.

The bill (S. 1348):
" =s110-1348"

Expansion of the H1-B program (Sec. 523)
[Scroll down and click Sec. 523 I wanted to include a link but no direct linking to sections]

The U.S. Code that is being amended by Sec. 523:
" .cgi?WAISdocID=942841245969+2+0+0&WAISaction=retri eve"
(hard to find the section amended by Sec. 523... search on 65,000)
Linux Business

Submission + - Linux doesn't belong in small businesses

Julie188 writes: "Is Linux bad news for small businesses? Seems like SMBs, above all, could benefit from more freedom, lower costs but John Obeto is downright angry at the thought. He writes: "Earlier on today, I posted about the Office-less office. Now I have to continue with the chimera that is Linux for SMBs! Yes, some yobs are advocating that small businesses yank out their current server OS and install one of the new Linux offerings. Any small business owner that entrusts his/her computing service to a Linux SMB solution is, IMO, either no longer interested in whatever business that small business is currently in, and would like to start a career in Linux hell, or is plain crazy." Maybe Obeto is crazy."

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