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Comment Re:Jumping the shark. (Score -1) 34

How's Mastodon doing anyway? X is such a better place withouta all the SJWs and journalists who ragequit and moved there when Elon bought Twitter. No more mobs of cancel pigs.They can ban anyone they like there, how's that working out? I'm curious to know.

Comment Thanks to Germany (Score -1) 51

Germany is now buying American natural gas that was previously flared and wasted. This is a great benefit to both Germany and the world, as Russian natural gas stays in the ground where it belongs, depriving butcher Putin of the funds he needs to continue his war of aggression in Ukraine. American natural gas is more expensive to move over the ocean but the good news is that Germany runs a massive trade surplus with the USA and can easily afford it. It moves the needle towards where it should be, in the middle, making trade equally beneficial to both sides. Adam Smith would be proud.

Comment Re:This is insane (Score -1) 107

Moving away from China will be a period of disruption, to be sure. But well worth it in the long run. China is an enemy country that must be defeated. We can't do that if we're dependent on them. It's a bitter pill to wallow since this is what Trump wanted, but it's a shit sandwich and we've all got to take a bite. All of us who buy made in China because it's cheaper are at fault.

Comment Re:spokesweasel (Score -1) 53

No, Google was kicked out of the country and blocked. That was after the color revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia and Google was going to do one in china, too. Because of free speech. Google of all companies! A staunch defender of free speech! But they went evil despite don't be evil being their company motto and now they're the world's leading purveyor of censorship. For the same reason China was: it's a threat to government power. Sad!

Comment Re:That's not the problem (Score -1) 131

You've forgotten that the Trump-loving chuds dominate the military, even after Biden's purges. In the likely event of a future civil war, they are likely to turn traitor, refuse orders and side with the traitors. We already saw this with the Texas National Guard refusing and attempting to close the border in defiance of federal court order to keep it open. Robots remove them from the equation and ensure that they will be loyal to orders from DC. And just imagine how hilarious it will be to watch them getting turned into pink mist by AI-piloted A-10s. Losers in 1865, losers in 1945, losers in 2025.

Comment Re:Gubbermint over-reach! (Score -1) 76

They have those things because we pay for their defense. Why we pay for a continent of wealthy democracies who have nothing but withering criticism for us and who block our companies and imports is beyond me. Let's stop it and buy nice things for ourselves instead.

Comment Re:No medical bills, though. (Score -1) 42

Whataboutism is a propaganda technique first used by the Soviet Union, in its dealings with the Western world[1]

When Cold War criticisms were levelled at the Soviet Union, the response would be "What about..." followed by the naming of an event in the Western world.[2][3]

It represents a case of tu quoque (appeal to hypocrisy),[4] a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position, without directly refuting or disproving the opponent's initial argument.


Comment Re:No thanks (Score -1, Troll) 76

>P>Polio only still exists IN Pakistan and Afghanistan. During the hunt for bin Laden, the CIA went door to door doing blood tests, falsely claiming to be doing vaccinations. I'm sure that helped when the news got out.

The polio vaccine was not rushed out in six months, and people didn't suffer vaccine injuries like an inflamed heart like they did with the covid vaccine. Oh, qand we know nowthat covid came from the Wuhan lab which was funded by Dr. Fauci. Say, anyone ever see that movie Dallas Buyers Club? About the AIDS treatments? you know who the villain was in that movie? The asshole doctor who tried to stop the sick people from getting medicine? Dr. Fauci. Yes, that's right, the one and the same.

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