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Comment Re:force majeur (Score 1) 40


In the case of Alzheimer's, it is a forseeable event since the symptoms would have been apparent years before the person started missing their payments. The credit card company, or any company, could rightfully claim the person should have taken steps for an outside entity to take care of that person's financial obligations.

Comment Re:Steven Pinker had a story in one his books (Score 1) 42

While everyone else is still trying to crack artificial intelligence, they've moved on and succeeded in creating artificial stupidity.

In fairness, two year olds don't grasp word context. All they do is regurgitate what they're told. It's not until later, as the human brain develops, the concepts of how to use words in coherent sentences which make sense, comes into play.

Right now we're at the verge of the two year old. Sure, the words come up, but there is no context other than regurgitation.

Comment Re:parameter blank = Automatic deletion period? (Score 1) 61

also no pops saying you are near an of an period and data will be lost.

Considering when you fill in a registration form online for whatever, if you miss a field it won't let you proceed and flags that particular field, it's interesting that a behemoth company like Google doesn't/didn't have something similar in place when creating accounts. It would seem, in hindsight, a standardized form the person creating the account/vm should have to complete to get everything right would be in order.

Comment Re:Made up stuff (Score 1) 110

Because all scientific studies have shown is that it's non-addictive,

No. Just, no. There isn't even a discussion about the addictive properties of smartphones it's so prevalent. From 2020:

Excessive or problematic smartphone use is twice as prevalent among teenagers as among adults (Park & Park, 2014)

From 2021:

Our findings suggest that there are consistent associations between smartphone addiction and physical and mental health, especially mental health.

From 2023:

Across 24 countries, 83 samples, and 33,831 participants, we demonstrate that problematic smartphone use is increasing across the world. China, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia had the highest scores while Germany and France had the lowest.

Back to 2021:

Excessive smartphone use is associated with psychiatric, cognitive, emotional, medical and brain changes that should be considered by health and education professionals.

Not sure why you would lie about something so easily disproved.

Submission + - OpenAI Disrupts Five Attempts To Misuse Its AI For 'Deceptive Activity' (

An anonymous reader writes: Sam Altman-led OpenAI said on Thursday it had disrupted five covert influence operations that sought to use its artificial intelligence models for "deceptive activity" across the internet. The artificial intelligence firm said the threat actors used its AI models to generate short comments, longer articles in a range of languages, made up names and bios for social media accounts over the last three months. These campaigns, which included threat actors from Russia, China, Iran and Israel, also focused on issues including Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza, the Indian elections, politics in Europe and the United States, among others.

The deceptive operations were an "attempt to manipulate public opinion or influence political outcomes," OpenAI said in a statement. [...] The deceptive campaigns have not benefited from increased audience engagement or reach due to the AI firm's services, OpenAI said in the statement. OpenAI said these operations did not solely use AI-generated material but included manually written texts or memes copied from across the internet.

Comment Re: Deck chairs on the Titanic (Score 1) 188

Uh, I've been driving ev for awhile. It's absolutely true you can chew a set of tires faster than any ice car I've ever had.

It's influenced by what model you're driving, how aggressive of a driver you are, and how regularly you stay on top of rotations and alignments.

While it's not a particularly good argument against evs, they definitely need to stay on top of tire care or you can absolutely chew tires up, and pretending otherwise is just incorrect.

Comment Re:Despite having almost limitless reserves of oil (Score 4, Informative) 48

Literally, there are distinct limits to their reserves of oil. Functionally, absent a major change in the projected demands for oil, or major investments in increasing production (which would not make any economic sense), they do not have a meaningful limit.

Based on current estimates of approximately 266 billion barrels of proven reserves, Saudi Arabia has approximately 221 years left of oil production. This is of course based on current consumption and no additional reserves found. For the sake of argument we can use a figure of 250 years left of Saudi oil reserves. That is definitely a meaningful limit. Maybe not to you or I, but that is only the lifespan of three people.

Comment Re:WHere did COVID come from? (Score 1) 179

Firsthand I can confirm that this "fish virus" as we were calling it was circulating at the ski resorts in N Lake Tahoe before it had a name or any recognition in the news.

You made the statement, show your evidence.

were told it would be $5'000usd and at our expense;

Show your evidence.

there was a corporate hotline you could call and report illness... everyone we know that used the hotline was fired.

Show your evidence.

Comment Re:WHere did COVID come from? (Score 1) 179

I hope this committee throws the book at the idiots that dismantled key parts of NIH's global plan.

That would be the guy who's on trial in New York for 34 felony counts of falsifying business documents to cover up his payment to a porn star as well as election law violations. He fired most of the staff in China almost as soon as he got into office.

Comment Re:Make skirting public records a major crime (Score 4, Insightful) 179

Make it a minimum mandatory 10 year sentence to communicate using private communications when serving in a governmental role.

That would mean most of the last administration should now be in jail since we have unequivocal evidence they were using private communications to shield themselves and hide their goings on.

Comment Re:Brilliantly simple (Score 2) 90

Also, most people, stranded without cell signal, don't just leave their cell phone on futilely trying to contact a cell tower until the battery runs out. They shut it down and then turn it on at regular intervals to see if they then can get a signal (at a later time or different location)

They also ignore any incoming phone calls so as not to use up their battery.

Submission + - Cybertruck's Razor Sharp Body Panels Sends Owner To The ER With A Slashed Wrist (

theweatherelectric writes: Collin Woodard for Jalopnik writes, "The Tesla Cybertruck’s launch has been far from smooth, to say the least. We’ve heard about the time a car wash bricked a Cybertruck, the frunk’s taste for fingers and that coolant leaks aren’t covered by the warranty even if you’ve only driven 35 miles since taking delivery. Those are all legitimate problems that anyone would be rightfully upset about experiencing, but the most concerning problem people appear to be having is with just how sharp the body panels can be. One new Cybertruck owner even ended up in the hospital after cutting his wrist during delivery."

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