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Comment 5G is WORSE! (Score 2) 84

Since 5G rolled out there are maybe a tiny sliver of times and places I get speeds better than I did on 4G. The other 99% of the time my coverage and speeds are the same or WORSE. There are plenty of places where I had 5 bars of LTE before and now struggle with dropped calls and 1 bar. This was a huge scam and also caused and is causing enormous problems with various telematics hardware built with 3G modems that is not easy or sometimes not possible to change out.

Comment Re:It does not make sense to keep trying the MCAS (Score 1) 188

Not really. If the plane was dynamically unstable it would have been a huge pain to fly (BTDT) and never would passed even the most minimal checks before certification. What the issue was how the plane changed pitch with power settings. All planes do this, but some much more so than others. What happened was the Max changed pitch quite a bit more than the older versions. Normally this would require pilot training and a new type rating, which costs time and money. Boeing's lame cheap-ass solution was the MCAS that would jump in and save the day if a pilot not used to the airplane let it get away from him.

Comment pilot here (Score 2) 436

No one with 1/4 of a brain ever thought "noise cancelling" was the same as 100% soundproof. What they do accomplish is significantly reducing low frequency noise. The headphone shell and insulation are effective proportionally to frequency. Running at cruise RPM - say 2200-2400 RPM, there is a lot of low frequency prop, engine, and airframe noise that really gets old on a long flight. The noise cancelling does a really good job eliminating that.

Comment Re:No evidence when one does not look (Score 1) 104

You have a weird definition of "fly". Of course it can did fly just like any other glider ever made. It was fairly fast for a glider and the glide ratio was really bad, but fly it did. Just like every other glider ever made, it was not doing a go-around either. You got one shot to get it right and you WOULD be landing one way or the other.

Comment not cash - but LOTS of cash (Score 1) 660

I have no problem with carrying around $20 or $100. I do think twice about say $1000 for a couple of reasons. The most obvious one is if I get robbed, it is just gone. No canceling a card. The other is I would only have a lot of cash if I were buying something. Going to buy an engine off Craigslist for $1500 cash, I did give a thought to the fact the people selling it could easily be setting up a robbery.

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