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Comment LOL, C++ 2011: much simpler, safer and more (Score 2) 161

LOL, C++11 has made said made C++ "much simpler, safer and more expressive." That's got to be one of the most bizarre statements I've ever read.

More like template meta-programming has increased the language complexity by several orders of magnitude. At least you could step through pre-templatized C++ and understand control flow. With these template meta-programming, the language is completely and utterly incomprehensible, they've truly made it a "write only" language. Case in point, take a look at Eigen.

No, C++ just needs to die, the standards committee just can't seem to figure out how to simply the language, and please the meta programming language geeks. C++ needs to die and get replaced by something like Go or Rust.

Comment 3D printed plastic guns are a total joke (Score 1) 139

What is all this uproar over 3D printed plastic toys. A 3D printed plastic gun is a complete and total joke, they last for what, 3 or 4 shots, then it breaks. Plus, 3D printers are expensive.

On the other hand, I can can go to Home Depot, and for a few hundred dollars, I can buy all the tools and material I need to build a REAL usable gun, that lasts more that 3-4 shots, and actually has some accuracy. Literally all you need is a cheap drill press, drill bits, files, some steel, piece of pipe, springs, piece of wood and you've got a usable gun. It's not hard, it's not rocket science, and I'd say it's a lot easier than fiddling with an stupid plastic 3D printer. Literally, about the only use I've found for these plastic 3D printers is to print trinkets and bobbles. The plastic is too soft for anything useful.

But give me a piece of steel, and I can build you something useful.

Comment Yeah, they're resurrecting OpenMoko (Score 1) 100

Let's go muzzle to muzzle against Android and iOS with OpenMoko, yeah, good luck with that. Openmoku was a joke 10 years ago, don't see why it's any different this time. What's the point, Android is open source, don't like it, fork and change it. Instead, they're trying thus again

Comment Why The Fsck Can't you change them by default (Score 1) 171

Seriously, WTF do you need to download and install a fucking THIRD PARTY PROGRAM to do something as ludicrously simple and common as changing window colors, fonts, size, etc...

Windows control panel let you do this is Windows 1.0!!!!

It's absolute madness that you can't change the window color by default. How come Windows figured out how to add a control panel almost 30 years ago, but Gnome still can't include a built-in control panel that lets you change window color. It's an absolute embarrassment that you need a THIRD PARTY program to do something this basic and common.

Comment Re:That's why I'm sticking with my 1971 Datsun 240 (Score 1) 52

The 350z is a great car, everyone is saying that it's destined to become a future classic, unlike the 370. The 350 has nice, clean, conservative lines as opposed to the tacky, gaudy 370. Nissan really started hitting the crack coccaine prety hard in their styling dept around 2009.

I'm just hoping Nissan will get over their current styling fugue state and get back to something decent before they roll out the next Z car.

Comment Breaking news from the Gee, Ya Think dept. (Score 1) 236

Say it isn't so, multiple process, constant IPC messages, massive amounts of wasted memory in multiple processes consume more energy. Nahh, really, say it isn't so.

Energy usage is directly related to memory usage: more memory used means more energy required to access it.

We need to get back to writing efficient code again. By that, code that minimized memory and CPU usage, and is not a bloated multi-process pig like Chrome.

This multi-process crap is the biggest pile of crap, it increases complexity by SEVERAL ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE, it takes something that used to be a clean elegant design like WebKit and makes it into the multi-process monster that is completely and totally unintelligible to anyone other that a few core devs. It wasted a massive amount of memory, wastes CPU and wastes energy.

Comment Open offices are designed for spying (Score 1) 290

Where I used to work, we first had normal cubicles. Then management had this brilliant idea to go with open offices, but where everyone sat looking at other people's screens. This was to encourage people to spy and report coworkers.

It was a disaster because no one got work done, constant chatting and distractions.

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