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Submission + - ACM recognizes Eclipse with Software Systems Award (acm.org)

bth writes: According to the award citation "Eclipse changed the way builders think about tools by defining a set of user interaction paradigms for which domain-specific variants are plugged in and customized for their tool. Conceived to address perceived shortcomings in proprietary software development tools, Eclipse allowed developers to seamlessly integrate their own extensions, specializations, and personalizations."

Comment Re:But has it increased by 25%? (Score 1) 317

If 50% of the accidents are caused by men, does that mean men shouldn't be allowed to drive? There are standards in the scientific community for how to do valid prospective and retrospective studies. You can then measure whether using or not using something actually increases (or not) your probability of experiencing the undesirable event.

Submission + - Ford Sued Over Patents for Sync Connectivity Syste (nytimes.com)

bth writes: Eagle Harbor Holdings said in a federal lawsuit that Ford infringed on seven of its patents.

“When you start getting into more software in the vehicles you’re going to have this happen a lot more,” Kevin Hamlin, an analyst with the research firm IHS iSuppli, said. “Writing code in software leads to a lot of these suits. It just kind of goes along with the territory.”


Submission + - Microsoft Pays Nebraska Univ $250K To Ditch IBM (digitizor.com)

dkd903 writes: Microsoft recently paid a hefty sum of US $ 250,000 to the authorities of University of Nebraska in order to stop using IBM's Lotus Notes and switch to Office 365 and move all the university’s e-mail communication systems with Microsoft.

Submission + - DHS Admits Knowledge Of Infected Technology (fastcompany.com)

smitty777 writes: Deputy Undersecretary Schaffer of the DHS National Protection and Programs Directorate confessed to being aware of foreign technology that had been imported with spyware, malware, and other security risks. According to the article, "More worryingly, the hearing specifically mentioned hardware components as possibly being compromised--which raises the questions of whether, perhaps, something as innocuous as Flash memory or embedded RFID chips could be used by interested foreign parties."

These hearings were held on July 7th to "examine the nature and extent of the current threat to America's infrastructure.


Submission + - Germany's Federal Police hacked (scmagazine.com.au)


Submission + - Facebook trapped in MySQL 'fate worse than death' (gigaom.com) 1

wasimkadak writes: According to database pioneer Michael Stonebraker, Facebook is operating a huge, complex MySQL implementation equivalent to “a fate worse than death,” and the only way out is “bite the bullet and rewrite everything.”

Not that it’s necessarily Facebook’s fault, though. Stonebraker says the social network’s predicament is all too common among web startups that start small and grow to epic proportions.

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