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Journal Journal: Taking a Slashbattical 3


It's been real. I've found vast amusement verbally sparring, and refined my understanding thereby, so: thank you.

But both work and school are ramping up, and cutting some of the social media faffing about is needful.

Blessings to all of you in the New Year. I hope that there is an event in about a year that is recognizably an election, and that sanity prevails. I've no confidence in man, but infinite faith in the Lord.

Comment Re:I'm only highlighting conspiracies you endorse (Score 1) 31

It's a show trial. If you pick at the main charge of "obstructing", it looks like a case of mental gymnastics on the part of Your Team. However, when one understands that Your Team is merely here to destroy, it becomes clear that the nihilism is a win/win, whether Trump or the legal system itself goes down.

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