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Comment Re:That's not giving it away (Score 1) 163

You need to learn some economics. By donating the stock, he's gifted it pre-capital gains tax. Now, it's going to get cashed out by a tax exempt organization that can then spend it back on operating costs that likely go back to Bill via exempt or at least otherwise reduced taxes... likely in a country with little oversight on these things.

Comment Hate the FCC, but hate your local government more (Score 1) 202

The FCC saying "fuck it, everyone do what you want" sucks, but the most significant reason this is a problem is the monopolies that local municipalities authorize. If the state/county/city levels of government where prevented in interfering, then competition would be an actual market balancer. Smaller ISPs would happily take the droves of pissed consumers.

With the Internet being an service that inherently crosses state lines, the Federal government has every right to tell these government levels that their rules/laws are invalid.

The fight for Net Neutrality should start by freeing the last mile. Give us real options for which net we get on.

Comment Lonely... you mean so Solitary (Score 1) 108

Lonely includes being sad that one has no friends or company.... they specifically sad that technology would partially satisfy our social needs. That means we aren't lonely, but just living a more solitary life.

Sounds fucking fantastic to me. My Echo has never made her problems mine to deal with.

Comment Re:Who paid for this study? (Score 0) 273

You've got it all wrong... The conspirators are as follows:
1) Government. They want people to extend their productive years so they can keep taxing the revenue and delay Social Security.
2) The Farm industry. They want you eating "real food" so they can charge their premiums for organic produce. They need the money to pay John Deer's extortion.
3) The Shoe industry. I mean, it's obvious. They want you to wear out your shoes so you go buy new ones.
4) Media industry. With all the commercial free viewing options, a half-hour less streaming is less data they need to pay for. You're monthly rate doesn't care about your usage.
5) The medical industry. Gotta drag out those Medicare payments.

Comment Re:The 15-minute limit (Score 1) 76

Videos should only be 8-15 minutes long anyways :) ... after that, my ass starts to get sore from sitting on the crapper. The longer 20+ minute videos just seem to sit in my Watch Later queue and never get watched. If I have that much time, then I'll fire up Netflix/Hulu and catchup on my actual TV shows.

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