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The Internet

Submission + - How the Internet Makes the Improbable Into the New Normal 1

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "A burglar gets stuck in a chimney, a truck driver in a head on collision is thrown out the front window and lands on his feet, walks away; a wild antelope knocks a man off his bike; a candle at a wedding sets the bride's hair on fire; someone fishing off a backyard dock catches a huge man-size shark. Now Kevin Kelly writes that in former times these unlikely events would be private, known only as rumors, stories a friend of a friend told, easily doubted and not really believed but today they are on YouTube, seen by millions. "Every minute a new impossible thing is uploaded to the internet and that improbable event becomes just one of hundreds of extraordinary events that we'll see or hear about today," writes Kelly. "As long as we are online — which is almost all day many days — we are illuminated by this compressed extraordinariness. It is the new normal." But when the improbable dominates the archive to the point that it seems as if the library contains only the impossible, then the "black swans" don't feel as improbable. "To the uninformed, the increased prevalence of improbable events will make it easier to believe in impossible things," concludes Kelly. "A steady diet of coincidences makes it easy to believe they are more than just coincidences.""
The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: Tired of the same old insults?

PJK - Paul Keating former prime minister of Australia quite gifted with words, is a master of insults. So anyway even though PJK is still with this, someone has ripped his style into iOS app so you can call the gum on your shoe better for your gait than a senator.
Shut up and give me your money the PJK Insults generator is AVAILABLE!


Submission + - 'Yellow' journos, power users behind GNOME criticism: claim (

An anonymous reader writes: One of the co-founders of the GNOME Desktop Project has reacted to the numerous criticisms that GNOME 3, the latest iteration of the desktop environment, has received, by putting it all down to the power users and journalists.

Submission + - NRC Report Links Climate Change to National Security (

WOOFYGOOFY writes: The NY Times and Voice Of America amongst others are reporting on a study by the U.S. National Research Council which was released Friday linking global climate change to national security. /135724/

The report which was developed at the request of the C.I.A. characterizes the threats posed by climate change
as "similar to and in many cases greater than those posed by terrorist attacks."

If the effect of unaddressed climate change is the functional equivalent of terrorist attacks on the nation, does the Executive Branch, as a matter of national security, have a duty and a right to begin to act unilaterally against climate change irrespective of what Congress currently believes?

The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: A Monopoly on Monopoly 1

Apparently being a patent asshole isn't a new thing at all, nor twisting an innovative product to mercantile uses.

Comment Re:Killing anonymity (Score 3, Informative) 88

From August in Qld
"A Supreme Court jury heard that Ashley Michael McGoldrick's Go Card history showed ..."
and from 2010
"The revelation came after exclusively revealed that police are using Go Card technology to not only pinpoint the movements of criminal suspects but also potential witnesses.

Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 2

Norman Spinrad on what he thinks of Romney
Hey, with the right enemies, we can jack the annual military budget up to $700 billion! $800 billion! And that’s without even a war to burn up machines and ammo that will need replacing!

Not another pissant series of low-tech counterinsurgency actions of course.

A capital-intensive war to justify a bigger and better capital-intensive military budget.

That would sure be a lot of money to follow, now wouldn’t?

And this sort of thinking, aside from anything else, should be more than enough to disqualify anyone following this kind of money from serving as President of the United States, now shouldn’t it?

User Journal

Journal Journal: David Brin How Democrats and Republicans Wage War 2
"Offered one day preceding the final Presidential debate, on foreign policy, in order to give you all some badly-needed perspective on the most important foreign policy matter of all... when and how to fight.

Last year finally saw the end of America's second-longest war. Dragging on a decade, that was the multi-trillion dollar quagmire of attrition and so-called "nation-building" in Iraq.

Submission + - 50 years of James Bond (

tqft writes: "50 classic James Bond scenes
Do we have a count of the number of times Q gear saved Bond, James Bond ?
As I recall no computer was ever inappropriately used in a Bond movie, normally they were just shot or blown up as we are all tempted to do."

Comment Re:Sometimes I wish for unemployment (Score 1) 8

Yeah that age thing sucks I know.

Haven't even bothered to sign up for unemployment benefits yet as the rigmarole isn't worth it for what I would get.

Time better spent looking for a job.

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