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Comment Re:LOL. Nice taxation on American businesses (Score 1) 84

Surely you realize that a fine has to hurt for it to have an effect -- it should be large enough to make it unprofitable to continue your business practice in this fashion; it's pointless to give parking level fines to billionaires, and the same goes for billionaire companies. Then there's the scale involved of these violations, with around 400 million users in the EU, that's $3 per violation, still pretty cheap all considered.

Comment Re:Or (Score 1) 253

Almost anything will emit something. Tires emit rubber particles. Combustion emits soot particles. Heating plastic or putting fluids in them emits particles. Cooking emits lots of particles. Washing clothes emits particles.

Spraying ink from a nozzle onto paper is no exception. That ink certainly won't all stick to the paper.

The real question is if its a problem or not.

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Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
