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Comment Re:Not the military's job. (Score 1) 805

The last time congress officially declared war was World War II: The War Powers Resolution ( ) notwithstanding, no action has yet been taken against a president for violations.

Comment This one may have hit us recently (Score 1) 433

My husband almost never gets sick, but when he does, it's rarely a minor illness. A little over two weeks ago, he came down with a very severe, very rapidly-progressing respiratory infection. Within a period of 96 hours, it went from a mild cough with no fever to severe pneumonia and a fever over 40C. The doctor prescribed amoxicillin/clavulanic acid on the morning of the third day, but it didn't really have any effect. My husband only started to get better once the doctor put him on levofloxacin a couple of days later. I think there's a very good chance his infection was caused by some kind of drug-resistant bacteria, but they didn't do any cultures, so we'll never know for sure.

On the other hand, I seem to be getting fewer and milder respiratory infections in the past few years. Even though I've always been prone to respiratory infections (I used to get bronchitis and/or pneumonia pretty much every winter), and have become quite a connoisseur of antibiotics, the worst I came down with this time was a mild ear/sinus infection and extreme fatigue. I also managed to avoid catching the H1N1 flu despite staying home to care for my daughter while she had it in 2009.

Comment Re:Asking the right question (Score 1) 747

On the flip side, what's the harm in trying to live more sustainably now even if we're not sure of the answers to the other questions? What's the harm in walking, biking, or taking the train instead of driving? What's the harm in living in a smaller, more efficient house? What's the harm in eating more whole, locally-grown plant foods and less industrially produced, processed meat and dairy? What's the harm in trying to consume less in general? Rather than trying to legislate and implement political policy to address the possible human impact on climate change, what's the harm in taking personal responsibility and action?

Comment Re:Why remake just FPS titles? (Score 1) 518

In my opinion, one of the best games of all time was Below the Root. Despite the technological limitations, the gameplay was fantastic. I've gone back and replayed it, both on original hardware, and in an emulator, and still find it as enjoyable as I ever did. I really wish someone would remake that game, but I'm also kind of afraid they wold ruin what was so good about it to begin with.

Submission + - Historic audio at risk, thanks to bad copyright la (

suraj.sun writes: Historic audio at risk, thanks to bad copyright laws

The Library of Congress has released a sobering new report ( ) on the state of digital audio preservation in the United States.

Older artifacts face the prospect of being lost to posterity because of our nation's copyright laws. So concludes The State of Recorded Sound Preservation in the United States: A National Legacy at Risk in the Digital Age (PDF; ).

The main problem is that for decades the intellectual property rights of most sound recordings were covered not by federal law, but by a complicated matrix of state statutes and judicial precedents. When Congress finally did extend federal authority over these works via its late twentieth century Copyright Acts, it put the annulment date for the earlier rules at 2067.

"Thus, a published US sound recording created in 1890 will not enter the public domain until 177 years after its creation," the study observes.

ARS Technica:

Comment Re:danger (Score 1) 92

The first thing that came to mind for me when I read the summary was Interface by Neal Stephenson. It also comes to the conclusion that there are dangers associated with implanting microchips in people's brains.

Comment Re:Finally, moving forward (Score 3, Interesting) 92

Conversely, I've often wondered whether people with exceptional abilities might also have brains that have "rewired" themselves. For example, someone with an exceptional capacity for memory might be using areas other than the recognized memory centers of the brain to store memories. It seems that the majority of studies are focused on cases of damage or dysfunction, and relatively few on cases of above-average functioning.

Endangered Species Condoms 61

The Center for Biological Diversity wants to help put a polar bear in your pants with their endangered species condom campaign. They hope that giving away 100,000 free Endangered Species Condoms across the country will highlight how unsustainable human population growth is driving species to extinction, and instill the sexual prowess of the coquí guajón rock frog, nature's most passionate lover, in the condom users. From the article: "To help people understand the impact of overpopulation on other species, and to give them a chance to take action in their own lives, the Center is distributing free packets of Endangered Species Condoms depicting six separate species: the polar bear, snail darter, spotted owl, American burying beetle, jaguar, and coquí guajón rock frog."

Moog's MF-401 Auto De-tune Fixes Music 79

Max Romantschuk writes "Moog Music has released the MF-401 Auto De-tune, a revolutionary new DSP device that promises to undo the clinical results of Auto-Tune. According to Moog Music, 'even a T-Pain vocal can be restored to its complete original character, scrubbing the pitch correction and leaving the untreated vocal in all its wavering sharp or flat glory.'"

Comment Re:Exercise some self-discipline and keep... (Score 1) 456

Being raised in a totalitarian environment is a sure way to grow up with absolutely no ability for self control. When someone is telling you what to do constantly, you don't have to think, you just have to obey. Sadly, the prevailing parenting style in the USA emphasizes obedience and discourages challenging authority. By the time children get to their teens, they have already been trained to obey. The problem is, they are now obeying their peers.

Comment Re:Exercise some self-discipline and keep... (Score 1) 456

My high school's sex education classes (in the mid-1990s) presented the potential risks and the level of risk associated with various forms of sexual activity, as well as the various options for mitigating the risks and the effectiveness of each option. It was emphasized that abstinence (including abstinence from oral and anal sex) was the only 100% effective method for preventing pregnancy and STDs. I determined what my acceptable level of risk was, and acted accordingly, but then again I can't claim to have been a typical teenager.

Comment Re:Problem is (Score 2, Informative) 252

The ribbon is fine for average users; it has the tasks that average users need to do on an average day. However, the REALLY rare tasks are now so hidden that I had to enable the Developer tab to be able to do things like work with templates. As a professional user (I'm a technical writer. We mainly use Framemaker, but sometimes have to use Word for some documents), I find the ribbon horrible inconvenient.

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