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Submission + - DigiNotar goes bankrupt after hack (itpro.co.uk)

twoheadedboy writes: "DigiNotar, the Dutch certificate authority (CA) which was recently at the centre of a significant hacking case, has been declared bankrupt. The CA discovered it was compromised on 19 July, leading to 531 rogue certificates being issued. It was only in August that the attacks became public knowledge. Now the company has gone bankrupt, parent firm VASCO said today. VASCO admitted the financial losses associated with the demise of DigiNotar would be “significant.” It all goes to show how quickly a data breach can bring down a company..."

Submission + - DigiNotar Files for Bankruptcy (net-security.org)

Orome1 writes: After having its SSL and EVSSL certificates deemed untrustworthy by the most popular browsers, VASCO announced that DigiNotar, filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition and was declared bankrupt today. This is unsurprising, since a report issued by security audit firm Fox-IT, who has been hired to investigate the now notorious DigiNotar breach, revealed that things were far worse than we were led to believe.

Submission + - Mitsubishi Heavy networks compromised (bbc.co.uk) 1

FalconZero writes: "Japan's top weapons maker has confirmed it was the victim of a cyber attack reportedly targeting data on missiles, submarines and nuclear power plants. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) said viruses were found on more than 80 of its servers and computers last month.The government said it was not aware of any leak of sensitive information. A second defence contractor, IHI, which supplies engine parts for military aircraft, said it had also been targeted.

Similar recent targeted attacks include Lockheed Martin back in May."

Comment Re:Dont give a shit. (Score 1) 296

now you get the 'you americans' phrase's meaning i guess.

No, not really, but perhaps I'd get it more if I were American (I'm European for the record).

My mistake was assuming that your original post was about the topic under discussion, rather than just a thinly veiled stab at the US - which is fine. You're perfectly entitled to freedom of speech in that respect, but if you want to get your point across or change people's views, it's better to take a more reasoned approach than just wailing on another country in the guise of taking part in a discussion.

Although I don't share your views in every respect, I applaud your political passion. Best of luck.

Comment Re:Dont give a shit. (Score 1) 296

I can see that you clearly hate the US, but that doesn't mean you should pretend that every other regime/government in the world doesn't persecute anyone.

There are a great number of regimes that unjustly persecute people, and I think a little unbiased research would do you good.

I can't tell how serious you're being, and it takes trivial googleing to see you're incorrect, so I'm starting to feel a little like I'm feeding a troll here - hopefully I'm wrong, and we're just miscommunicating.

Comment Re:Dont give a shit. (Score 1) 296

I think you may have missed the point a little.

When they say the cables identify those at risk, the people they're talking about include (possibly peaceful) political activists within repressive regimes who may now be in severe danger. They're also talking about whistleblowers who are also now in danger, and will now be less forthcoming about reporting abuses going on within their perview.

Comment Already out there? (Score 1) 296

According to the article, the full set of cables was released in a encrypted form in December 2010, and The Guardian released the password in a book in February 2011. I guess from that point of view, the cat was already out of the bag.

I guess to anyone who's directly interested in endangering the sources and/or identified parties put two and two together back then, so this may be of little impact from that aspect. Perhaps WikiLeaks was trying to give the impression that they're still in control before everyone else figures out the connection anyway?

Comment Re:At the ISP's cost? (Score 1) 157

BT already has in place a system called CleanFeed [wikipedia.org]. CleanFeed uses Deep Packet Inspection, so DNS changes won't affect it. Implementation is likely to be trivial - it costs next to zero to add an entry to a table. BT won't go out of their way to add entries to the their block list, but will likely comply with each court order as it's received. -- Windows in 6 Bytes (IA-32) : 90 90 90 90 CD 19

Comment Re:Dark Fibre (Score 1) 226

No, they've paid for it - but now they outright own the backbone bandwidth rather than renting it (cf other high bandwidth users).

Peering ASNs are going to have a lot more difficulty forcing Google into a transit agreement than say Facebook simply because the in/out transfer ratio is closer to zero for Google than Facebook due to Googles backbone capacity.

Obviously, they've "paid for what they've paid for", but by having already spent the money (and doing it when fibre was cheap), they've now got a competitive advantage over those who were unprepared and now have to start paying. It means that Googles books stay the same whereas other high bandwidth users see a hike in variable operating costs.

Comment Re:Dark Fibre (Score 1) 226

My point is they've already done the paying years ago - they don't pay per byte charges on the fibre they own.

As for 'pay to connect', their network is sufficiently large as to merit peering at IXs - IE minimal cost (routing hardware, maintenance, etc.). They can trade their unused fibre bandwidth for the ISP last mile bandwidth.

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