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Comment Electronic Health Records (Score 1) 67

The major reason for complicated electronic health record management is to provide adequate documentation to insurance companies to improve revenue recognition by ensuring against denial of claims payment by insurers. That's the financial justification for so much money being spent on those systems. Improving outcomes is mostly a side effect of the data management systems. Even though the data can be anonymized and used to improve patient outcomes via statistical analysis correlating treatments with outcomes, most medical providers have zero interest doing that sort of analysis and would rather silo and horde that information rather than share it with other providers or even with medical researchers in academia.

Comment Re:Useless article (Score 3, Insightful) 34

That's what happens when 1) most of your primary news sources go out of business, 2) the rest are bought up and consolidated into other news corporations that 3) lay off most of their reporters.

There is too much power consolidated in the hands of too few news reporting organizations, and the ones that are left are less concerned with actual journalism and more concerned with maximizing profit and putting the competition out of business.

Comment Re: Miraculous (Score 2, Interesting) 40

Coffee is rather strange. It smells great, but tastes horrible. Additionally, many of those who drink the foul substance don't actually like the taste as evidenced by the milk, cream, sugar and other adulterants they add in an attempt to render it palatable.

It that respect it is no different from chocolate, yet practically everyone loves chocolate.

Comment Never Use Commercial Firmware for STB (Score 1) 147

This is one of a thousand reasons I never use commercial STB firmware in a commercial TV or set top box.
I have no interest in allowing someone that much control over my hardware.
I use external devices running general purpose operating systems that use freely available software that I can swap out if or when needed.
I don't want someone's software holding my hardware for ransom, full stop.

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