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Comment Not a replacement, but a tool (Score 1) 150

Many fields are grappling with the question, "will AI take my job?"

I think a more reasonable response is one I've seen in, for example, the medical profession:

"Langlotz concluded that “Will A.I. replace radiologists?” is “the wrong question.” Instead, he wrote, “The right answer is: Radiologists who use A.I. will replace radiologists who don’t.”"

The same is probably true for software engineers. We can't just hand over the whole task to a machine, but we can definitely get some productivity boosts by having code assistants handy to generate starting point code and same a lot of time.

Comment Re:Now you can do "ls -al" in windows (Score 3, Informative) 101

powershell scripting is overly verbose. in PS you can do "cat (Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePath" whereas linux it's just "history". This is one of DOZENS of ridiculously long commands that should, by default, have a more succinct alias to it. Sure you can create your own aliases but you shouldn't have to manage a dotfile config you pull from github or something.

Comment They're already available through this simple hack (Score 2) 25

Long-form tweets are already available through this simple hack:
1) Type a post in a notepad app up to 1,000 characters
2) Screencap the note & paste it into a tweet as an image
3) copy/paste the actual text as the ALT-text for the image
4) add up to 240 characters in tweet body ...

Comment Why remove the human-readable date? (Score 2) 224

There are a LOT of milk choices, I already have to decide between Cow, Oat, Soy, Coconut, Cashew, Flax, Hemp, and Blends/Pea Protein - also unsweetened, original, chocolate, and vanilla for the plant-based options - and skim, 1%, 2%, whole, and A2 for Cow.. If I need to then scan multiple cartons with my phone (and USE MY DATA) to finalize my decision I'd be pretty annoyed.

If you have to individualize the Qcode, the cost to continue to include a human-readable date is trivial so why not both? But if you do remove the human-readable date, at least have a scanner right by the fridge so I don't have to use my own phone and data.

I do like the idea of automatic price reductions for milk nearer expiration, we go through four cartons a week here, so milk with four days to go would usually be fine.

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A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention, with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequilla. -- Mitch Ratcliffe
