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Comment Re:eBooks will continue to gain market share (Score 1) 134

The majority of "avid readers" I know read nothing but garbage like "The Hunger Games." They couldn't read a Stendhal or Pynchon if their lives depended on it, because their attention spans have been completely decimated by electronic distractions.

Most readers I know prefer physical material. And so do I.

Well, which is it?

Comment "taxes are write-off expenses" (Score 4, Informative) 98

I see this argument all the time about charitable contributions. "Yeah, sure he gave a million bucks, but it's just a tax write off..."

In what world are tax deductions 1 to 1 with tax liability? That's certainly not how the math ever works out on my taxes. $5k in deductions saves me less than $1k in taxes.

I'm not saying that the parent was right and that taxing services is enough incentive to hire your own people, but the idea that if you can write something off on your taxes means it's "free" is simply silly...

Comment Non-readers love "real books" (Score 4, Funny) 261

My librarian wife and I are both pretty avid readers and we both use e-readers for vast majority of our reading. Inevitably someone will see us in the doctor office waiting room or some other place reading our ebooks and tell us how they prefer "real books". That's when I like to ask them what the last book they read was and chuckle to myself when they get that deer in the headlights look.

Comment Re:"pro-boy biases" (Score 2) 493

1000 times this. In elementary schools boys are removed from the classroom at alarming rates for things like bringing the one ring to school, wearing an american flag t-shirt, eating pop tarts into the shape of a gun, pointing grilled cheese sandwiches etc. When boys act like boys their parents are told they need to be drugged into compliance. Elementary school classroom and teaching methods are tailor made for girls. Any gender bias in the classroom is certainly not "pro-boy".

Comment Re:Needless complexity or necessary evil? (Score 1) 413

Imagine the 2 largest cities in a state had 51% of the population. Those cities could and most likely would come together and simply siphon resources from the rural areas. They can just funnel all the funding for schools, police, roads to their cities to buy local votes and ignore everyone else.

At the national level the same can be said of states. In your scenerio all the people in the red area on this map wouldn't have a voice in government at all. http://politicalmaps.org/wp-co...

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