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Comment Gotta love the warm fire of censorship... (Score 0) 251

Listen to the cheers of Democrats cheering the censorship of Trump. Oh, how they are overjoyed! The oh-so-offensive tweet by Trump would not be attending the inauguration. (Really, is that so terrible?)

My prediction is Trump will be arrested. And the democrats will cheer louder.
Trump will be arrested without bail because he has means to leave the country.
Trump will then be executed in prison like Harvey Weinstein. And the democrats will cheer.
Top republicans will then be charged, jailed, and executed. And the democrats will cheer.
Republican voters will then be charged, as they are despicable, racists, and terrorists. Same thing will happen. And the democrats will cheer.
Antifa thugs will be the new law, and all cities start looking like Seattle, Portland, and Los Angeles. And the democrats will cheer.
How many protesters in Portland were shot in the riots by police: 0. How many in Washington: 1. And the democrats were shouting for police to open fire.

Voting doesn't matter, I have voted for the last time.
America is dead.
I know you will laugh, cheer, and downvote.
So be it.
This is also my last visit to Slashdot.
The sick cheers for blood is sickening.

Listen to the song "Silent Running". Oh so true.

Comment Re:Moving goalposts (Score 1) 81

Worst president in a lifetime was Hussein Obama. I'll give him credit, the man could speak well, but he was all talk and no action. Trump to be fair doesn't speak as well as Hussein Obama, but he definitely got things done. Where Hussein Obama literally bowed in subservience to the Muslim we can expect "Il Duce Supremo" Biden to do the same for the Chinese.

Comment Moving goalposts (Score 1, Interesting) 81

Amazing, Trump leads America and organizes "Warp Speed" and produces a vaccine. Now democrats say, it doesn't count unless every single man, woman, child, cat, dog, and world has the vaccine first. Until then, doesn't count. Meanwhile "El Supremo" Overlord Biden has pledged that he will ship any vaccines to the world at large BEFORE giving it to US citizens. Democrats just refuse to give Trump credit. And then you accuse me of being partian.

Now as far as being an idiot, that I will grant. Biden has already said, on record, that all republicans are "chumps". Biden has also called for and praised the riots as well as the killing of republicans in the street. As Maxine Waters said, "And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."

And this results

Laugh all you want, downvote if you must, it is sad to say but there will be widespread civil war in every city in the next few years. Have you seen what is happening with gun sales?

Comment No thanks to democrats (Score -1, Flamebait) 81

Remember democrats declaring that there would be no vaccine before 2021, and that Trump was a 'cheerleader'? Here are some of the news stories from when Trump announced this (hint, it's all negative). I love this quote from CNN, "Trump will miss his stated goal for a vaccine and then blame others for it somehow". Now it turns out Trump was right. One one news network shared the correct information from the beginning, guess which one (hint, it's not one of the organizations below), hint, it's the one liberals hate because they are right.

Comment Crime and punishment (Score 1) 56

As the saying goes, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Crimes should be prosecuted, equally, for everybody - rich, poor, famous, obscure, and for Kim Dotcom, even popular technologists. So I hope the guy speeding on the interstate will get a ticket, that pedophiles get caught, protesters rioters and looter are jailed, and even tricky copyright infringers (aka thieves) caught and jailed.

Now I know Kim Dotcom is popular and people's first gut reaction is NO, NOT HIM.

Please tell me why not? Why shouldn't a criminal be prosecuted?

Comment Duplicate explained... (Score 2, Interesting) 69

Some Slashdot editor is heavily invested in NextEra. NextEra's stock was at 181.66 on March 23, and trading at 302.91 today. Despite the information in the duplicate articles being pushed by Slashdot NextEra is regarded as being overvalued. There are serious indications that this stock (to be fair, also the entire stock market) may be in rising on a bubble. Someone is trying to make that bubble bigger.

Comment Because it is already here in the USA (Score 1) 23

Social platforms have a consistent track record of banning, blocking, or shadow-banning political opinions it doesn't agree with. Then the people who posted this will be doxed, hunted down, and killed. The FBI democrat enforcement division will then prosecute and jail the people related to the deceased person for hate crimes. This is freedom of speech in the USA.

Comment Re:Environmentalists keep getting it wrong... (Score 0, Troll) 349

On January 11, 1970, the Washington Post reported that "Colder Winters Held Dawn of New Ice Age"

I remember being in school in the 5th grade (1973/74) and a science teacher giving a lesson plan on global cooling. By high school this taught me that science is not sure, and what is thought of as a scientific fact today can easily be disproven as false tomorrow.

Look up "Luminiferous aether". It is another interesting scientific idea that turned out to be false. This is the nature of science - it is often *wrong*. We should not be disturbed by it, but rather learn from it and anticipate that what we think is happening may not be true. However it is a greater wrong to bash and persecute people that would disagree with the viewpoint that global warming is a fact (especially with NOAA being caught 'adjusting' data) until more research has been done.

Comment Environmentalists keep getting it wrong... (Score -1, Troll) 349

Remember environmentalists harping that we are all going to die by global COOLING?
How about the Alar scare and apples?
How about environmentalists screaming about the coming population bomb?

None of these fears turned out to be true. Now environmentalists are crowing about global warming, however NOAA has been caught 'adjusting' climate data.

As they say, fool me once, same on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

Comment Grrr... Orange man must be opposed! (Score 1, Interesting) 42

Orange man wants to enhance cybersecurity. I hate orange man, and therefore there must be NO cyber security. In fact, cyber security must be a nefarious plot by orange man in collaboration with the Russians. Aha!! We got him now. Call Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff!!

Comment Another blow for CA workers (Score 1, Troll) 340

California democrats have succeeded in making another business move out of California. Remember when Carl Jrs moved out of California? And Toyota's HQ? And Nissan, Chevron, Nestle, Kubota Tractor Corporation, Charles Schwab, and Tesla?

There will be a lot of catcalling towards Lyft and Uber over leaving, but there is a troubling trend of business deciding that California is not pro-business. There will doubtless be people that say, "good riddance to bad rubbish!". Remember one thing, Detroit, once one of the best and most desirable cities in the US, did the same anti-business legislative (punitive) overloading that California is now doing. Detroit declined.

So continue laughing at Lyft and Uber.

Comment Liberals at work again (Score 0, Flamebait) 566

Liberals cannot have scientific evidence of a group of doctors appealing to the nation from high-pop studies and peer-review research (ex that kids are not a primary disease spreading vector (they can get it, but generally do not infect others) ). However liberals find it easier to just censor the information, and ban Trump jr. This is why conservatives are going after regulation of social media companies - censorship based on political bias is evil.

Liberals will continue to try to suppress other sources of info. But the truth will always get out.

BTW, down-voting because you don't agree with the statement rather than on the substance of the argument is also censorship.

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