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Comment Frankly, old age. (Score 1) 540

I'd been working nearly two years at a contract government job. The contracts came up for renegotiation and it was made clear that everyone would be "encouraged" to relocate to a consolidated office in another city. Had my wife and I been younger we might have considered it. Instead I decided it was a good cue to retire.

Comment Re:Originally ran on Apache/FreeBSD (Score 1) 84

This would be congruent with my recollections. During that time I worked for a Seattle-area reseller and we delivered dozens of Sun boxes to Microsoft. One day I was installing a few and ended up giving an ad hoc X-Windows tutorial to a roomful of people. They had no idea Unix had any sort of graphics capability.

Comment Take a good look. Take a really good look. (Score 1) 89

Take a good look (if you can stand it) at the final HP death spiral and consider what would likely happen to the United States if Carly Fiorina finagled her way into the Oval Office. This isn't just partisan politics--I'd rather Trump, Jeb, Hillary or Jack the Ripper or Hitler's exhumed corpse than than her.

Comment Weekly Standard = neocon rag. (Score 1) 365

Owned by Rupert Murdoch, co-edited by Bill Kristol, featuring articles by all the usual suspects. Not to say the "invisible disclaimer" isn't there, but if it is it's just another one of the errors that need to be fixed by the contractors who built the Web site--unless someone is able to show where in the text of the ACA there's a clause repealing the HIPAA rules.

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