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Comment Re:Good reasons (Score 1) 176

Running things in the cloud can be more about capability than cost.

Many cloud offerings provide capabilities that would take months/years to budget and spin up internally. Some capabilities, such as burst computing or east-coast / west-coast redundancy may also be out-of-reach or infeasible to offer "on prem".

Some offerings, such as low-administration SaaS may also offer cost savings.

Comment Re:Awful, verging on painful. (Score 2) 288

Could be it's not a faithful adaptation, or deviates too far from the purported source material.

The Tolkien Untangled YouTube channel has been building up an expansive "How The Rings of Power Should Have Been Written (to make them Tolkenian)" playlist that illustrates one way a faithful adaptation could have been done.

Comment intermittent fasting (Score 1) 286

I think it's true that humans are well-adapted for intermittent fasting. There are different possible ways to do it, such as a 16/8 pattern, 20/4 pattern, one meal a day, skip a day here and there, etc. Fasting has shown better effects than a calorie restriction diet. Much of human evolutionary history was spent in a state of semi starvation, with varying periods of feast and famine, so our bodies can generally tolerate it pretty well.

Comment Re:Could they compensate for psychotic mothers? (Score 1) 82

The article indicates the study was not sufficiently powerful to correct for "correlated factors".

Conclusions and Relevance This study suggests that prenatal cannabis exposure and its correlated factors are associated with greater risk for psychopathology during middle childhood. Cannabis use during pregnancy should be discouraged.

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