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Comment Re:Hardware is secondary (Score 1) 224

Hell Yes.
My Nexus 6p will be with me until it (or I) dies.

If they want me to buy a new phone it would have to have better life (thicker is fine with me) and less crap.
The bezel can be larger ( a little) as I'm tired of trying to one-hand the phone and accidentally triggering some function.

Then there's the price.
I'm not paying close to $1k for a phone and don't really want to pay a quarter of that.
I paid almost full freight for my 6P but I'll only do that every five years or so.

To get me do buy more often will require VERY compelling features.

Comment Re: Jesus Christ... (Score 1) 595

"A case can be made for having canned functions that are performance sensitive in Assembly, and then providing a C API or similar to orchestrate. In scientific computing, there are a lot of folks who know their science, but aren't that good at programming. For those the ability to describe their particular variant of a problem in a language like C, and have the complex computation execute according to those parameters inside a library is valuable"

FTFY - and brought it back to the arguments from 40 years ago.

Comment Re:Why two separate bands? (Score 1) 74

"I'm guessing this is 9600 baud packet, which would require a PK-232 or similar TNC."

Hardware TNCs are old technology and are now far out performed by modern sound card based modems. I have a stack of them that will probably never see power again.

Take a Raspberry Pi, a cheap USB sound card and run direwolf software and you have the basis of support for multiple low speed data modes.

Comment Even the 'professional' tests can be crap (Score 1) 44

I've had two sleep studies.
One when I was first diagnosed was on their premises, properly wired up to all kinds of gear and when it was over I received a multi-page report with charts and graphs that clearly showed the data.

The second was done by 'Snap diagnostics' at home. The gear came loose, fell off repeatedly and I spent most of the night without it attached. They then took four months to tell my doctor to increase my pressure.
No data, no report, no evidence that the test even worked.

I still don't think they had any.

Comment Re:Go measure (Score 1) 147

"Dave, I think most of the /. readership is on the eggnog all the time. However, this is the type of thing a few of us still come to this site for. Thanks for your work on this"

I second this.
After the first couple of pages I almost gave up reading because of the eggnog comments.
For the record, queue management in OpenWrt has done a lot to lower bufferbloat on the systems I use.

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A modem is a baudy house.
