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Comment Re:Form over Function (Score 1) 153

> It's more of a reminder of what your number is if you need to make a purchase somewhere that doesn't support Apple Pay.

Is it, now? The card doesn't have the number printed on it:

I guess you just pull ideas out of your ass and claim it as truth, huh?

Comment Re:I think my bank stores passwords in plain text (Score 1) 81

Do you realize how insecure that is? Take any four characters, hash them, and check them against the 640K database of hashes per customer. If they are all in the password, you'll get a least one hit.

It reduces the task of cracking the password to a fucked up form of bingo

Comment Re:whoda thunk it? (Score 4, Interesting) 63

After you screw-up your brain, you cannot possibly use your brain to accurately assess anything.

It's not a permanent effect, so you could accurately assess the results after the trip. If it prevents things you've been suppressing (which the experiment results point to be being true and done by the thalamus) you could easily fix that eating disorder/social anxiety/depression/self sabotage/or whatever other problem you have that you have been hiding from yourself.

I've never tried LSD myself, but I can see why some people who have problems might find benefit in it. (I'm too much of a geek and don't know how to get it, and I like my life enough not to mess with it.)

Comment Sounds suspicious (Score 1) 326

Phase 1: Male Mosquitoes infected with wolbachia breed with females and produce eggs that never hatch

Phase 2: A strain of wolbachia is developed to cross the species barrier and infect humans

Phase 3: Mosquitoes bite humans and transfer altered strain of wolbachia to human hosts who then breed and only give birth to still-born children

Where is Venom Snake when you need him...

Comment Re:BRACE FOR IMPACT (Score 2) 447

This sounds like reverse plot harvesting. Someone from the future goes into the past and sells plots from reboot movies from the future to people in the past, ie. Ghostbusters Reboot, Star Trek Reboot, Mad Max Reboot, etc. The Hollywood writers and directors in the past then improved the plots, creating what we call the "original" versions of these movies. It makes more sense then the currently held narrative that the reboots were created after the "originals". After all, how could the revised version of a script be so bad compared to the version it was based on?

So, by occum's razor, time travel must be possible.

Comment Re:Just to clarify (Score 5, Funny) 218

The title:

  "Facebook Will Open a 'War Room' Next Week To Monitor Election Interface On Behalf Of Democrats"

was strangely cut off in my browser to just:

  "Facebook Will Open a 'War Room' Next Week To Monitor Election Interface"

The site admins should really work on fixing this.

Comment Re:Perfect (Score 2, Insightful) 283

Charge my phone, charge my watch, and now my headphones, too? That's FOUR things to keep track of how much charge they have! How could I ever be expected to remember to do that, let alone want to?

Also, what about forgetting they're in and going for a swim, or a shower? What about bumping into someone or tripping down the stairs and losing them forever?

What if I want headphones that have noise cancellation, or want earbud types? How much do I want to spend on specialized headphones that also have bluetooth machinery inside? With wired sets you could just plug them in and they were guaranteed to work. Now, what if the bluetooth implementations between the phone and the special headphones I got are incompatible?

They suck!

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