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Comment Sounds like a big risk. (Score 1) 29

My Android tv has never been connected to the internet or logged in to anything and I donâ(TM)t have any form of Google account. I wonder how seriously I should take this risk.

I will still never buy another Android TV because of the âoefinish setting up Googleâ nag messages that pop up over my content.

Comment Re:Okay, so I understand why getting off oil is go (Score 1) 219

We sure have thought about that here in Canada. There's a huge push to get everyone back to work in person whether it's better for the employer or not, and the reason is literally to force people to spend more on gas to help the economy and force people to send more on lunches in business areas to help the food service businesses.

Our governments want to destroy the environment to make more profits for their buddies.

Comment Art school dropouts should not write tech blurbs (Score 1) 32

Astronauts could save half the fuel they need for a return trip home by making what they need on the red planet once they arrive, Wu said.

Yeah. Every kg of fuel you bring with for your return trip takes many kgs to get to Mars. And then each of those extra kgs you want to launch with takes many more again.

Plus what does "half the fuel they need for a return trip home" even mean? If getting them home now needs 1000kg of fuel for the return trip then this reactor means they only need to bring an extra 500kg of fuel for the return trip?

Comment Re:Is spaghettification real? (Score 1) 92

Eventually (very quickly at this point actually) protons and neutrons would be ripped apart by the same process,

Time is relative and proportional to gravity. Sure it would be very quick to the person being ripped apart, but to the outside universe, it would take billions of years. Sorry for being pedantic, but how often do I get a chance to cite relativity :)

Comment Re:Is spaghettification real? (Score 1) 92

Remember, gravity is proportional to the products of the masses divided by their separation squared. For something the mass of the earth the event horizon (actually called Schwarzchild radius) is about 0.35 inches. Jupiter's mass would be 9 feet, and the sun 2 miles.

A 6 foot tall person would span an immense range of gravitational force when dealing with something as dense as a black hole.

Comment Re:Voters to get here the elected (Score 1) 336

So this is only for currently elected officials, not their opponents during elections? You think a person voters elected last election cycle should have enhanced access to communication over their opponents in the next election? That would be the end of free and democratic elections.

Or should all candidates get this protection? So any crack-pot who wants to spew a hate message can get themselves on a municipal ballot by paying a nominal fee and then be able to spam whatever hate speech they want with impunity? Even terrorist groups can run a candidate and then have free access to social media.

Whichever way you look at it, this is an idiotic idea.

Comment Re: It ignores crap men too (Score 1) 340

Boxing categories are a great example. And nobody cares in the slightest about anything but the heavyweight category. The other categories are just crap to sit through waiting for the last match which is the only thing anyone cares about. If the heavyweight match wasn't last, everyone would turn off the TV after the heavyweight fight anyway.

Comment Re:I still want to go to a theater (Score 1) 17

Now the theaters I have gone to have all swapped out for quality seating, with a healthy distance between seats, and whether it's because they work more or pay for better cleaning materials, the floors are fine.

Since a few years, the theatres near me have excellent seating, screen and sound quality, etc. They have assigned seating which is a huge perk, I hate the rush for seats and will never use general admission again. The price has gone up a lot, but for the improvements everywhere else, I'm happy to pay it. I'd rather pay the higher price for the current set-up then the old prices for the old set-up.

But I don't go to the theatre anymore because of the other people. There's always people texting away with their cell phone on maximum brightness or chatting on their phones. Once two people came in half-way through a movie, had a loud chat for 5 minutes and left. I happens more often than not at the theatres around me. I think it's so bad that people who actually want to enjoy the movies don't even go anymore and it's all the obnoxious people. I used to average a movie a week and now that I haven't been in years, I still miss the theatre experience. I've got a credit card that gives me points for free movies and I'm up to 85 free movies (lucky I can now use the points at restaurants though for a lower return).

So, I bought a nice TV and sound system and theatre style seating. I even found a place that sells the commercial theatre popcorn in pre-packed kits of kernels, seasoning salt, and oil (though I had to buy about 5-years worth) and got a semi-commercial popper that uses the kits.

Comment Re:Stadia though? (Score 5, Insightful) 166

People wold rent video games. Game Pass Ultimate is arguably the best feature of XBox.

But with Stadia, you're not renting games. You're paying full price per title to add it to your Stadia library. Then you're stuck paying the monthly fee on top of that or playing in low-resolution mode for free. Google can raise the monthly fee or eliminate the free tier whenever they want and you can either keep paying whatever they charge or lose the games you've paid full price for.

Then when Stadia is inevitably added to Google Graveyard, you lose all the games you paid for anyway.

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