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Comment It's not a consumer product (Score 5, Insightful) 273

These computers are for Disney, Pixar, or Lucasfilm animation rendering or intensive scientific/government/research applications. They aren't for your typical recording studio or prosumer. The $52,000 price might seem like a lot, but for comparison, just an ARRI Alexa camera body costs much more than that, so it's all relative. I remember in the Air Force an SGI workstation costing $90,000 and it wasn't anything near the power of this. But heads above what was in most peoples homes.

Comment Re:Make America Great (Score 1, Insightful) 95

An immigrant comes to a country to live and applies for permanent residency status and eventually citizenship. Not just go to school, my daughter took language courses in Bejing, didn't make her an immigrant . Apparently your so focused on color that you can't understand a simple concept and have to throw race in to every discussion.

Comment Re:Countered with force? (Score 2) 442

They have admitted its existence. They admitted it 2013. The entire area surrounding the base is an active bombing range. Trying to take it would be foolish. And to all the people who signed up on facebook, if some idiots do take this seriously you could find yourself on a 'no-fly' list.

Comment Re:Narcissists showing their true colours (Score 1) 325

If you get your car detailed and your wheels dressed, then choose to park in a spot where your tires get chalked, then you just wasted your own money.

Right so they have a sign that says we will chalk your tires? No? I guess every visitor to there needs to be psychic!

Comment Re:Narcissists showing their true colours (Score 1) 325

If I just paid to have my car detailed and the wheels dressed then yes, you just wasted my money. But I have a better solution, don't go there. Spend your money elsewhere, buy online. That's my answer to all the tolls on bridges and roads they have put up around here. I no longer drive into those cities. I moved in to a rural area and never go to places where I can't find places to park, or I see breaking news about multiple shootings every single night. I have never been happier.

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