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Comment Re:Alas, still no fines for breaches. (Score 1) 12

If they start charging something like $10,000 per person breached with a billion dollar cap... then you'll start seeing some real change. Until then, they'll just keep renewing their cyberinsurance policies and hoping for the best.

Yeah nobody would be making software anymore. Nice change. Every single person you and I know has had their data leaked. Nobody I know has had any tangible downsides from it. Maybe we should just stop with the drama about having your address on the internet being a life ending experience.

Oh but stalkers! They already have your address from following you home or a million other ways. Identity theft! They got plenty of profiles already and you have to be really stupid or inlucky to get really affected. Robo callers! They just go over all phone numbers.

Comment Re: Shocked I tell you... (Score 1) 206

Yes that's why I specified office workers. I'm not suggesting border guards to start working remotely or stationed soldiers to get a 4 day work week.

I work in a country where 32 hours is the norm and nobody cares about competing between 40 or 32 hours. If you work 40 it's assumed you need the money. I guess like people working 2 jobs in the US.

Comment Re: Shocked I tell you... (Score 1) 206

The best part about this is they expect Amazon drivers, Uber drivers, Uber Eats drivers, bartenders, whatever to fully work.

Are you saying you could not get all the important part of your job done in 32 hours? If you would work 32 hours you would likely be able to get 95% of the value for your employer. Maybe over 100% in long term with reduced stress rates.

I don't understand your examples.

Uber Drivers and Uber Eats drivers are getting paid per contract. It's about work that gets done. If they can get the same thing done in 32 hours they can already do that.

Bartenders tend to already work less than 40 hours per week and make a lot of their money off of tips (which again is about how much work you get done and how well you do it, and not only about hours).

I have no idea about amazon drivers. I would imagine they get a number of packages to deliver and if they finish that they are done for the day?

I think what office workers want is a little more of all of that and a little less of spending away their life uselessly pretending to work at the office.

Comment Re:Shocked I tell you... (Score 4, Insightful) 206

In the Netherlands working 32 hour weeks is completely normal and you of course take a paycut. Many people will do this the moment that they get a child. If people are willing to take paycuts to work remotely - and research shows they are willing - of course they are going to be willing to take a paycut to work one day a week less.

If you could choose to take the 20% paycut and have it not affect your carreer potential (like promotions and such), I think a lot of people would do that in a heartbeat.

With productivity, people are often forgetting long term impact. For me, it is really mind-blowing how much less stress a 4 day work week gives. For many people (especially with children or family that needs care), if they spend 40 hours a week working, then some hours commuting, then spend a lot of the rest of their time doing needed caretaking and doing household duties.

If you can have a full extra day I would say in many cases it not only increases your 'free' time by more than half, it is for many family people the only 'real' free time they get. With children at school and no ongoing work you can have some off time.

The cumulative positive effect of decades of less stress and more time to do what you want is massive.

The kicker of course is that many people (especially office workers) don't need 40 hours to do their work. If you would program at high intensityv for 40 hours per week straight I think half of the people would burn out after a couple of months. So with 32 hours you will likely be able to get the same work done just fine. Hell for most you could probably just cut down some useless meetings and get to 32 without any effort

Comment Re:I have questions... (Score 1) 73

. Apparently there was never one issue that triggered a call to support to raise flags about fake product long ago? Seems quite incredible.

Why do you think you would be aware of this call? Fake Cisco routers have been an issue for a while:

Getting fake routers to the military is a national security issue where they might not be updating you on every step of the investigation.

Comment Re:Does the Law Suck or Does Apple Suck? (Score 1) 13

I thought the whole point of the DMA is that people should be able to install apps completely outside of the control of the company that wrote the phone's OS.

You thought but it isn't. The 'whole point' is to reduce the ability of large 'gatekeeper' platforms from abusing their market power and provide smaller players better chances in the market. It's not limited to apps or phones. This 'completely outside of the control of the company' is not a specific requirement.

Comment Re:Losing money anyway (Score 2) 213

This suggests that profit was never the main goal of its owners, and that propaganda or other intelligence gathering has always been its purpose.

So by your logic Reddit must be a propaganda or intelligence channel because they never turned a profit yet?

And same with Tesla before 2020? A propaganda outfit?

Snap Inc too?

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