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Comment Helpful for the college selection process (Score 1) 148

We are currently in the process of selecting a college, but these days to inflate their 'exclusivity,' colleges spam tons of students to apply so they can send rejections. As a result there are a -lot- of schools to go through these days. Now I have a handy new criteria for quick ones to toss out. Thanks!

Submission + - What if your electronic parts were more like Legos? (electricdollarstore.com)

beckman101 writes: This week Electric Dollar Store opened its doors, selling interchangeable postage-stamp sized I2C-based modules for prices between $1.00 and $1.80. The modules include lights, buzzers, counters and sensors — the range is aimed at electronic makers. These aren't manufacturing rejects shipping from Asia — they're assembled, tested and shipped from a small farming town in California, where winter labor is cheap.
All the code for the project is BSD licensed.

The project is a spin-off from the popular open-source I2CDriver (https://i2cdriver.com/) hardware debugger.

Comment Re:That's not what I want back (Score 1) 133

What I want back is the original Trackman Marble USB Wheel

Amen to that. Logitech really failed when they went to wireless only on a mouse that specifically -doesn't have to be moved-.

The closest thing I have found to a decent replacement is the Elecom EX-G. (M-XT3URBK) It's a little bit smaller, but quite usable and includes extra buttons and an extra high-low speed mode switch on the pinkie. Very nice, but out of the box they ship with a black trackball that has tracking issues. However you can swap your Trackman trackball in and it works perfectly.

Now if only it came with a high-polling rate driver.

Comment Honestly, I call bullshit. (Score 1) 110

As a hardcore gamer that finished "Nightmare" mode in most games for the last 40 years, I understand that out of the gate, I know exactly what kind of dedication goes into playing hard, and it IS real. My crew and I were in the top 1%.

But that said, watching my kid play Water Polo... seriously, gamers are a bunch of fuckin' posers. And my kid by choice would play TF2. He's a vicious spy.

The old line was 'no pain no gain'. That's the problem with e-sports. No pain.

Comment No control is the real issue (Score 4, Funny) 91

As a serious coffee consumer, their main problem is you can't customize the cup of coffee. I drink so much coffee that I started making it weaker, and weaker, and then half strength. The last time I stayed in an office with a Keurig setup, I think I nearly killed myself before I realized what was happening.

I'd love to have one, but the 'my way or the highway' reality of those little cups doesn't work. And don't even start on the cost.


Debian 8 Jessie Released 442

linuxscreenshot writes: After almost 24 months of constant development, the Debian project is proud to present its new stable version 8 (code name Jessie), which will be supported for the next five years thanks to the combined work of the Debian Security team and the Debian Long Term Support team. (Release notes.) Jessie ships with a new default init system, systemd. The systemd suite provides features such as faster boot times, cgroups for services, and the possibility of isolating part of the services. The sysvinit init system is still available in Jessie. Screenshots and a screencast are available.

Comment Get in line (Score 2) 222

Been there, still doing that that.

Waste of time on a 4 year old. I have bright 11+ yr olds who are only beginning to really get it. Even while they have stuff in the TF2 workshop. It's both sad and hard to see that they, too, are distracted by the 3D shiny instead of the gameplay diamond. But they're getting there.

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