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Comment Had to Post for Nostalgia of When Slashdot was Fun (Score 1) 7

I was following you on Twitter and then I jumped ship when Trump was allowed back on and moved over to I'm still trying to figure out what to do there as "my people" have not moved over there and I've been finding it hard to find like-minded people. My main approach has been looking at the global feed and trying to see if there is anything of interest. It's a SLOW process. Occasionally (once a month or so) there is a single post of interest and someone I can follow.

I've also tried searching hashtags, but most of my interests come up empty, so I haven't gotten much out of that either. The other approach has been to look at who my follows follow. I keep hoping that the Fediverse takes off and some of the bigger names come over. (Thankfully George Takei is someone who did) Still, I have to say, having Twitter off my rotation has been instructive in how it feels to remove the pressure to post from a social media platform. Which brings me to the last point... So far, the things I've posted on my on have not garnered any responses. I think I just don't have any visibility. I'm a whimper in the sea of toots, so people who would find my toots interesting don't see me.

Anyway... I get you and understand your reasoning. I wish you the best and will continue to look for your toots as time allows. I miss the old days. But every social media platform I've been on since 1988 has always gone the same route: fun --> noisy --> commercial --> spammy --> leadership change to less competent leaders --> implosion --> gone. Maybe the Fediverse will move to the fun stage in the next few years.

Comment Re:Of course they are (Score 4, Insightful) 20

In the 1600's I think, French doctors did a study and determined that patients had a better survival rate if they were *not* treated by a doctor. Sometimes the so-called "experts" really aren't.

I am sure some form of AI can do very well at predicting things like stock prices, but I highly doubt ChatGPT is going to be it based on my own experiences with trying to get it to write node.js code - which it tried to do but had the unfortunate feature of relying on libraries of functions that didn't exist :)

ChatGPT will make shit up if it can't fake an answer. They will need to deal with that aspect first :P

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hello All: OPNSense 2

Note sure who from the old group is left here. I haven't posted in over a decade and I'm here with a question. :) If anyone is using OPNSense or PFSense, you might be able to weigh in. Story time... I started using OPNSense (based on PFSense) as my internet gateway at home in January of this year because I had a need for speed. My WRT54G with ddwrt wasn't up to the task of my new gigabit internet connection since it only has 100 Mb/s ports. I had an old PC lying around and a

Comment Re:CS should _not_ be taught to teenagers (Score 4, Insightful) 241

It is not even remotely similar to reading, writing and basic math. Most people do not need coding, will never be any good at it and trying to tech it to them is a complete waste of time.

I absolutely disagree. Programing (by which I mean building something that does stuff, rather than doing it the best possible way) is not about math, it's about logic. It's about deciding goals, making a plan, testing one's progress, and making milestones. This sort of thinking is essential in nearly every field, from baking to investing, from education to career planning.

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