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Comment Re:I'll buy proprietary (Score 1) 50

> This is the cartoon version of when your mom catches you listening to rap, gets worried and has you listen to "clean, wholesome rap" instead that consists of some soccer mom trying to rap about getting an education and going to church.

And by listening to rap, you mean pleasuring yourself right? lol ;-)

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 196

Sometimes it's a coding test. Sometimes it's a design test. Sometimes it's a social anxiety test. Sometimes it's a test of quick thinking on your feet. Sometimes it's a test to see if you'll jump through their hoops. 100% of the time it's a test that they need to tick a box.

I've done whiteboard tests and interviews with grads. The whiteboard was about knowing basic concepts, drawing a diagram and explaining themselves without choking, or if they choked that they could recover well. The number of people that couldn't draw a diagram showing how basic credits and debits might be handled in a banking or shopping card system was worrying. And it was clear some of them were clueless, not just stressed. When there are 100 people applying for a job and a person chokes so hard they can't list basic passwords as one way to prevent malicious access to a system, it's hard to have confidence they're going to be able to write code.

Comment Re:Ass All The Way Down (Score 0) 246

> C is an ass language for ass programmers. The only things worse than C is Objective-C, and by extension Swift, and COBOL. Shit languages that should straight up stop existing completely.

Almost certainly written on a device whose operating system was coded on C, and 100% certainly written on a device whose existence is a result of using C somewhere in the chain. You utter muppet. The only mule braying here is you. When you manage to invent an operating system that overtakes Linux, Windows and MacOS, you get to call other programmers "ass". Till then, bray elsewhere.

Comment Re:Nice to put away the partisan BS for a while (Score 1) 300

Yeah great job. Great job letting cruise ships almost fuck us. Great job spreading rumours about medical staff having illegal dinner parties. Great job sacrificing teachers and students by declaring social distancing isn't required in schools (which personally I think may likely lead to our downfall here). You're just wrong. They got lucky and brought in the lockdown at the right time. We have a more geographically distributed population than almost any country, and we're coming out of summer not winter. WE GOT LUCKY. But our luck won't last.

Comment Re:What's the beef? (Score 1) 121

> The "security" issue is not so much that the sessions can be "tapped". It's that some asshole might join a video conference including underaged students and then start sharing pornography, or shouting obscenities, or such. The same kind of mentality that likes to put violent images into YouTube videos targeted at little kids.

You mean like underage kids can physically walk into a school and share pornography on any regular pre-COVID nightmare day? The insanity is the way the law has failed to deal with online sharing sensibly. We're just reaping the rewards of that stupidity as schools rush to cover their backsides under insane laws passed by luddites and wowsers who'd prefer to put the kid that shared the porn in prison to "protect" them than to actually prevent harm..

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