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Comment Tips if you're stuck with Windows 11 (Score 1) 162

I maintain Windows for my elderly parents, in their 80s, and begrudgingly made the jump to Windows 11, since they kept being forced down the upgrade path anyway and reverting to 10 was a pain. The computer is their lifeline to society, and they're not about to learn a new OS. If you're in a similar situation, here are a few things I've found. Please read and understand the source before doing anything.

* If installing Windows 11, use this Autounattend.xml script to automatically create a local account and not pester you to create Microsoft account. Just copy it to the root of bootable USB-stick created with the Windows Media Creation Tool.
* This same script will bypass the Windows TPM check, so if you get a "hardware not compatible" message, this'll ignore it.
* You can also open up PowerShell as an admin on Win 10 or 11. This will add the registry key to stop you from being pestered to create an MSFT account:

New-Item -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System' -Force | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System' -Name 'NoConnectedUser' -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force

I hope this helps someone out. It took a lot of hunting to find the right workaround!

Comment Try DuckDuckGo Again, and See If It Sticks (Score 1) 86

There were a few times over the years when I tried to switch from Google to DuckDuckGo. It didn't take until my latest attempt six months ago. This isn't because DuckDuckGo suddenly got much better; it is because Google has gotten progressively worse... and worse... and worse. They signed their own death warrant: the war for top spot in Google's results via SEO has enshittified the vast amount of content they rely upon. The web is no longer written for humans, it is written for Google, and that has poisoned the well they rely upon.

Comment Superset of JSON... (Score 1) 161

YAML is a superset of JSON, and I've never liked it. I can never quite get the indentation right (and I primary use and love Python these days, so I'm in no way opposed to white space having meaning). I've find JSON pretty readable, so I've found myself just using JSON for places that require YAML. Convert a YAML Ansible role to JSON and look at it: it flows much more naturally when my eyes parse it.

Comment Re:I still don't understand cord cutters (Score 1) 63

A few options:

An elderly friend uses Roku with nothing but apps. She has Amazon Prime, the PBS app (free from your local provider), the free CBS News 24/7 app for Roku, and that's it. She only pays $50 for monthly Comcast Internet, and the yearly Amazon Prime cost.

For me, I have Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Youtube TV. Youtube TV has jacked up the price from $35 to $65 over the past few years, for a bunch of channels I don't give a crap about, but I split the cost with my girlfriend. So ~$50 a month for FiOS plus $32.50 a month for Youtube TV isn't bad; $82.50 is *way* cheaper than the $150-$200 Comcast was stealing, and that was for their barebones TV+Internet offering.

Comment Re:Controls a 3 pack a day habit.... (Score 4, Informative) 341

Here here. This move completely ignores the fact that sales are only for those over 18, and the science on the issue: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review

Nicotine on its own is much like caffeine: highly addictive, but not that harmful. It's the other crap in cigarettes that kills you. Vaping has no carcinogens.

But don't let science get in the way of some good political FUD, eh?

Submission + - DjangoCon 2016 to be Held in Philadelphia in July (defna.org)

FlipperPA writes: It has just been announced that the 2016 vintage of DjangoCon US will be held in Philadelphia at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania from July 17th through 22nd. DjangoCon US is a 6-day international community conference for the community by the community, held each year in North America, about the Django web framework. From its humble beginnings in a newsroom in Lawrence, KS, Django now powers some of the better known web sites on the planet, in use by The Washington Post, Mozilla, Instagram, Disqus, and Pinterest. Considered by many to be the "batteries included" web framework for Python, Django continues to attract new developers across the globe. (Full disclosure: I am an employee of University of Pennsylvania... and pretty psyched about this!)

Comment Lawsuits. Lawyers. Apple. Blackberry. Patents. (Score 1) 544

Here's a good read; this isn't a slide out, but an addition to an iPhone which has already had its sales injunctions despite the fact is would (obviously) appeal to a great many Blackberry users now using iPhones:


While I couldn't imagine having a smartphone that long (let alone the midnight terrors I wake up with thinking a phablet is coming to get me), I do appreciate the option being available.

Comment Supporting all 3 options (Score 1) 143

I work for a large University in a division that provides financial data to ourselves, as well as other academic institutions. We had been a SAS only shop since our inception in the early '90s, save for a few FORTRAN users here and there.

We wanted to support more options for the researchers using our service, and today, we support SAS, R, and Python. One nice thing about SAS is SAS/SHARE. Basically, it makes your native SAS files (*.sas7bdat) available as tables in a database over ODBC or JDBC, with full index support. This has allowed us to consume these same data in both R and Python. This had made many of our younger researchers (think Masters students instead of tenured faculty) very happy!

Good luck.

Comment Moving on from Perl (Score 1) 536

Some of the threads started here have said, "What's wrong with Perl?" There is nothing inherently wrong with Perl, it is still a fine language, if a bit awkward. Compared to other languages, it does feel quite ugly. I've always had a soft spot for Perl, as it was the language I used to make my first web site. I've been moving some legacy code away from Perl, and standardizing more of the organization than just my department into Python / Django. Python has a lot going for it in a lot of settings, and since we're in academia, it makes sense.

We're in Philadelphia, and something I've lamented is there's never been an active local Perl group. Just about every other highly-used language does (as in, the top 10 of the Tiobe Programming Index). PhillyPUG (Python), Philly.rb (Ruby), PyStar Philly (a women's Python learning group), PhillyDB... the list goes on and on.

Python is also the most consistently readable language I've used, and that goes beyond the forced indentation.

YMMV of course, but the major thing for me was having supportive, local communities supporting the language.

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