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Comment example of harm (Score 4, Informative) 566

The saddest example I see of pseudoscience is in the birth communities, medical technology has taken us out of the tragic "good old days" when 1 in 10 babies and 1 in 100 mothers didn't survive a birth. But suddenly everyone thinks it's a great idea to run away from hospitals and doctors and use untrained homebirth attendants, even for high risk pregnancy. In Australia death rates are four times higher for homebirth babies.

Having recently been pregnant and seen the "trust NATURE" mantras thrown at me again and again in online communities, I'm so afraid of who else is being mislead. But the consequences are unimaginable.


Submission + - Happy World Metrology Day (metrologyinfo.org)

spacefem writes: "Happy World Metrology Day, everyone. On May 20th 1875 seventeen nations, including the United States, signed The Metre Convention, setting the framework for global collaboration in the science of measurement and the International System of Units, or the metric system.

If you like the idea of the world working together on logical standards for measurement instead of just using whatever whimsical units our individual traditions dictate, May 20th is a wonderful holiday for you. If you live in Burma, Liberia, or the United States, it might be a good day to just sit back and reflect a bit. Just saying."

Comment knowing where to start (Score 1) 1

Although the "I will get into stuff" gist of the rules are good, they leave out an important trait that I think divides the technical world from the shaky and afraid: "It doesn't matter where you start". In my experience this is the biggest thing that stops people from feeling empowered to fix the world around them. There are the starters, and the blank-starers who loudly profess that they don't even know where to start. Technical people always know. Or at least, we find out. And if we guess wrong, we're not afraid to start again.


Submission + - How far and fast can commercial space world grow? (networkworld.com)

coondoggie writes: "The development of the commercial space industry has in the past been slow and deliberate but that seems like it's about to change with a whirlwind of developments that could shape or break its immediate future.

First, today the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics is holding a hearing to go over the Federal Aviation Administration's 2012 budget request which includes close to $27 million — nearly a 75% increase over 2010 — in the budget for the group tasked with overseeing commercial space development..."


Submission + - Free Software Foundation organises Day Against DRM (h-online.com)

jrepin writes: "On its DefectiveByDesign.org campaign page, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) has announced that 4 May (today) will be this year's "Day Against DRM". With this day of action, the organisation wants to focus the public's attention on the risks of what it considers to be an anti-social technology. The FSF has created a wiki page which allows users to swap campaign banners and event ideas."

Submission + - DARPA building futuristic space exploration group (networkworld.com)

coondoggie writes: "What started out as an idea about how to further explore the outer reaches of space is now beginning to take more serious shape as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) today issued a call for industry information on how to form such as cosmic entity.
Specifically DARPA said it issued a Request For Information intended to solicit ideas and information on structure and approach, and identify parties qualified and interested in furthering what’s known as the 100 Year Starship project."


Submission + - Tornado Attack Vehicle for Sale on eBay (gizmag.com) 1

Zothecula writes: Hey, you wanna drive into a tornado? You could, if you've got somewhere over US$75,000 to spend on the right vehicle. That's the reserve price on the Tornado Attack Vehicle, which has just been put up for auction on eBay. The armored vehicle was made famous by storm chaser Steve Green, who used it in 2004 to become the first person to intentionally drive into – and survive – a tornado. If you're not the competitive type, you could even just "Buy it Now" for a cool $100,000.

Submission + - Open Court Brings Live Justice to the Internet

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "The Boston Globe reports that a judicial experiment uniting the Internet, citizen bloggers, and the public’s right to know is beginning in one of Massachusett's busiest courthouses, Quincy District Court. Dubbed Open Court, the project will have cameras and microphones operating in the Quincy court’s first criminal session where the court’s proceedings will be streamed live over the Internet at the Open Court website to give the public an unfiltered view of court proceedings. There will also be an operating Wi-Fi network and reserved space for citizen bloggers who want to post to the Internet. “The idea is that people can live blog, but they can also tweet,’’ says John Davidow, executive editor in charge of new media at WBUR, who developed the idea for the project adding that during the next year, the goal is to move the experiment outside the first session courtroom and to stream criminal and civil trials and small claims cases as well. The project was seeking a busy court and found it in Quincy where last year the court handled more than 7,000 criminal claims and more than 15,000 civil cases, including more than 1,100 restraining orders, nearly 1,000 substance abuse and mental health cases and more than 1,200 landlord-tenant cases."

Comment Re:Because.... (Score 1) 2288

Mythbusters needs to use metric. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, because I'm a diehard pro-metric person, but this point has just redirected my campaign. Politicians don't care and haven't for years, but you're right, science media should. I'm going to complain to Mythbusters now when I see them using imperial. And Wired magazine. And Science channel. I feel good about this, and refocused.

Comment Re:human-like, not human (Score 1) 127

Well, if you want a technological solution that really works for every case, we could at least make milk donation cheap & easy. Right now there are less than 20 HMBANA milk banks in North America, a lot of major cities are hours away from one. Private donation websites like eatsonfeets and milkshare often have more donors than people searching for milk, since private donation is under-publicized and depends on recipients screening milk themselves by reviewing medical records... I don't blame it for being unpopular.

Cow's milk is great but I bet we're wasting a lot of precious human milk we have, because we don't appreciate it enough to screen & pasteurize it.

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