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Comment Re:How would Slack or Discord work without JS? (Score 1) 26

Yes I want native apps. Stop making closed protocols and just use open ones (IRC / IRCv3, ActivityPub, ...).

If we take IRC to compare with your examples (Slack, Discord, ...): there is a IRCv3 initiative. Why we can't just participate to the effort of developing good open protocols and let anyone who wants developing clients for it (like it was in the past)? No needs for a bunch of closed protocols. No needs for "web apps" with all performance, security, .. issues and all mecanisms/tricks/... required to compensate for it because the Web WAS NOT made for this (applications). Why "burning" 1GB+ of RAM to access Web apps?! I want my small, snappy and optimized native apps back please!

Comment Borland^H^H^H^H^H^HInprise^H^H^H^H^H^H^HBorland (Score 1) 48

For those old enough to remember Borland AKA Inprise AKA Borland... tools like JBuilder (and all others tools/IDEs they make)... We had to pay premium for their IDEs. A lot of projects was in their vendor locked-in tools. When they stop supporting/selling it, of LOT of projets spent TONS OF CASH migrating their projets to tools like Ant/Maven/[IDE du jour]/...

For me proprietary IDEs, even if they have a Community version, is a NO-GO for me. The day Mr. Greedy pass by, your IDE will disappear or be exclusively a payware tool.

Comment Re:Time to switch (Score 2) 27

I have a Garmin Instinct Crossover (Solar) and it's also near indestructible. 19 days+ battery life (even more if I'm outside often).. GPS (and other location services) is included. Biometrics info. In case of emergency, someone is advised with my precise location (I had an health issue 3 months ago).

I don't need color screen, reading my email on my watch, talking to my watch, ... There is a lot of apps to add to it if you really want/need it and everything is sleek/optimized.

Comment Re:Critical information in the Cloud... (Score 1) 74

You do realize that, as it stands right now, if you have a password to a Cloud service, that password is stored.... wait for it... as a salted HASH (not the password itself like LastPass even if it's encrypted). If it's not the case, then you must leave your Cloud service provider right now.

If your data (password and/or any other information) is really critical/personal for you then you never (ever) want store it in any Cloud service provider. Ever. Keep in mind that any data stored in the Cloud WILL BE stolen someday even if you like it or not. It's a fact.

Any small notebook is safer to keep your password/personal info than any Cloud solutions. The attack surface for any Cloud services is the Internet (the world)... My small notebook/printed info/local storage/...? Near ZERO attack surface. I'm talking about critical information.. not my favorite recipes.

Comment Attack surfaces (Score 1) 43

The problem with the Cloud (aka someone else server) is the attack surface is the entire world. When you self-host your databases and other criticals servers, they are NOT exposed on the internet like in "the Cloud". They are not "near or on the same physical servers" like the Cloud (Spectre/Melt attacks). The Cloud is also a big target for hackers to have a big impact on MANY businesses in one attack.

If your data is REALLY critical for your business, keep it on YOUR servers. It's that simple. And like a previous comment : "If your data isn't on your devices, it ain't your data"

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