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Comment Re:It certainly casts Trump's refusal... (Score 1) 85

Not really.
1: it was already assumed that there were illicit ISM catchers in embassies. I've heard security experts basically say someone is failing the intelligence portion of their mission if they aren't doing this.
2: it is already known that there were illicit ISM catchers in embassies in the DC area for a while now, but since we can only focus on one story for one news cycle we've forgotten about it until someone new reports on it a few months later.

Comment MLB has known of this possability for 2 years (Score 1) 197
In 2015 MLB officials questioned KC Royals Manager Ned Yost about his use of his apple watch. He assured them that w/o the phone it's just a watch, he ended up switching to a locally assembled luxury watch to quash any suspicions allegedly.
But this is a known problem in the MLB and they've been, at least selectively watching for 2 years.

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