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Comment I don't get it (Score 1) 120

This whole things smells fishy. For one, any country that allows Huawei to build the 5G shit is allowing a foreign government to have control of their telecommunications infrastructure which just sounds bad regardless - even if it were Canada or the US, it'd still seem like a bad idea.

The fact that China is really pushing so hard makes it seem (at least to me) that they are lowballing on the offer and taking a financial hit... to me, because their payoff is getting access to an entire country's telecommunication system... Which again, sounds like something you wouldn't want a foreign country to be able to easily tap into...

Comment What about the 16 year old? (Score 2) 476

If this story is in fact legit, shouldn't the girl be the one going to jail? She lied about her age, signed up for a site where you hook up with people, then cried because somebody chose to hook up with her... and now the guy - who was using the service legally - is getting in shit?

This entire story stinks of victim blaming and bullshit.

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