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Comment People, rotate your certificates! (Score 1) 34

It canâ(TM)t be considered critical enough. At work we have three teams that get alarms of expiring certificates, just to make sure it doesnâ(TM)t fall through the cracks. The next phase will be complete automation of the renewal process against the internal CA, with a review before the final deployment of the renewed cert.

Comment Re: Dey tek er jebs! (Score 4, Insightful) 332

It's not really a function of price so much as a function of skill level. Most of the H1-B folks I've had the displeasure of working with had very little experience, skill, or talent. Were there actually a glut of workers in IT, I'd say it made sense, but there aren't, and it's getting worse every day as more are imported annually, displacing folks that make better business sense to hire in every aspect save for price. There's a saying, "you get what you pay for." It may look good on paper to replace that $150k/yr rock star programmer with five $30k/yr H1-Bs (supposedly illegal, but it happens, and more often than you think), but one high quality developer will consistently produce more and better code than an army of mediocre ones. The biggest issue with this is, even though IT business process automation represents a major part of a given company's competitive advantage, if all the companies in a market play the same game and begin to all suck equally, any lack of advantage due to poor systems becomes moot. As a result, what used to be smart work done by smart workers becomes the domain of the MyComputerCareer lowest-common-denominator. And real fast, we're all out of a job.

Comment Re:It's a feature (Score 3, Informative) 312

These studies suck. What was the coil temp? 3.8v? What was the power level? I'll say this, for most light-use coils, 3.8v will torch the ever living hell out of the fluids, burn the wick, and impart a foul taste so bad you'll throw the coil/wick assembly away if it's a replaceable unit. Example, I have a 0.16 ohm quad-coil unit set to 75w, and it's putting 3.46v through the coil to get that rated power. They've got to be pushing over 450F on the coil, and at that temp, it will burn a cotton wick, rendering the coil useless unless it's rebuildable. These studies are funded by people that have a vested interest in either A) government overreach, B) the tobacco industry itself, or C) the nanny state (but I repeat myself).

None of this is valid. I've run the output of my vaporizer (a Wismec Reuleaux RX200 with a SMOK TFV4 tank) through the local gas spectrometer at the college around here, and damn if there aren't all of five chemicals: water, vegetable glycerin, flavor, menthol, and nicotine. Exactly what's on the label. Surprised? I'm not.

Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Comment Re:I don't think that's enough (Score 2) 99

That was never a goal of the system. The "4K" is referring to video playback and support for 4K content, not games. This should, however, get them to 1080P @ 60FPS for pretty much every game in the library, and they've said that there will be an update path for developers to allow their games to support the new hardware performance. I think it's one of the biggest wins in consoles, that we've reached the point where it's possible to have nearly perfect backwards compatibility with older games while hardware continues to improve, with only a patch update to the games to support ever-expanding hardware performance. It's straight out of the PC playbook, to be certain, but at console price-points, with console-level reliability and ease of use.

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 156

Exactly how is putting lawyers out of business a bad thing? Other than the unemployment, these guys in specific have been some of the most usurious jackasses, problematic to a fault, and if machines can do this to them first, then there's hope for preventing large-scale unemployment by mechanized labor.

Comment Re:What's really happening (Score 1) 246

I think you hit the nail on the head with your "planting it" comment. There's no available computer power to search all the data in realtime, only to sift through it after the fact. Thus, it becomes all about catching someone after the fact rather than catching them before something happens. With such a system ripe for abuse, it becomes trivial to invent a crime where none may have existed so as to dispose of "undesirables." It's already been mentioned somewhere that surveillance is reaching for ever-more encroaching levels, but to what extent? What does the government hope to achieve?

I think they've seen the writing on the wall, that sooner or later our shaky systems of finance and employment are on the verge of a massive correction in the form of a significant crash, and they're hoping that by enslaving us all they can ensure their survival in the face of a massive public uprising, but that's just between you, me, and the microphone-laden wall. It won't work, never has, and likely never will. All that this will ultimately succeed in doing is guaranteeing a much harder swing-back of the pendulum when things finally do let go.

Comment Re:Innocent until proven Guilty (Score 1) 246

It's "well-regulated militia", and SCOTUS has already ruled that it's the second part that's more important, and of particular interest in firearms ownership and carry. Consider this: would that there were actual armed citizens present, with appropriate training, would 9/11 have been able to happen?

Mods: kill both this and parent, we're off-topic.

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