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Comment Pay the man, Silent Bob... (Score 1) 94

I'm an actual Starlink user at my farm. It's head-and-shoulders better than any competing service.

I previously has used a cellular uplink... and even with a yagi mounted 30' up on a mast, I barely had 1-2Mb/s of bandwidth. It was truly miserable.

Starlink is a game-changer... give 'em the freakin' money. They've done something truly miraculous for rural internet users, who had previously only terrible/expensive options. As a taxpayer, I'm actually glad to see the money I contribute going to something useful.

Comment Well im sorry for apple users... (Score 5, Insightful) 53

Apple maps suck. Streaming in itunes sucks. Itunes mostly sucks. Apple music is okay, but spotify is better. Apple's clooud storage really is good for mostly nothing.

Apple does great, beautiful machines. Online services is not their thing. I hope they don't go all "appley" on us and split the web for safari to make their stuff work as intended.

Yeah, google is a monopoly. But its one that benefits from multibrowser compatibility and open source software. I pick that evil over the proprietary option which well, I cant even afford, let alone pick.

Comment Nope (Score 1) 47

I don't think this is a great idea. I mean, all that money to make sure students that pay tens of thousends of dollars aren't cheating mostly themselves.... it's fucking stupid and it says more about the whole idea of modern capitalism, the illusion of meritocracy and the doubtful relevance of superior education, that about the students that would cheat themselves.

Comment Suckage confirmed (Score 1) 344

I too remember the Old Days (TM). Slashdotting was an actual thing. We fearlessly rode the waves of the ether, and many a site trembled at the sound of our clicks.

I rarely post any more... but the passing of Rob is sobering reminder than none of us are getting any younger... RIP Roblimo :(

Comment d.tube distributed video on a blockchain (Score 1) 243

We need to start moving to the distributed blockchain platforms as fast as possible. Check out steemit, busy.org, d.tube and the others coming around and on top of stuff like ipfs. Central platforms need to be phased. Im not saying current platforms are the way to go, but definitively, we need to empower distributed storage and services on blockchains transparent contracts, very much away of centralized palaces like alphabet's offers.

Comment Not smart, but it is right (Score 5, Interesting) 363

Cataluña has no reason to secede. Nationalists, who are basically localist fascists are the ones pushing for an impossible exit of cataluña from the Spain, when by the way, they werent anexed. Cataluña entered Spain voluntarily, more than 500 years ago. Now the spanish government though is anything but smart. Prime Minister Rajoy could almost qualify as a sea sponge if we are talking about intelligence. This is why this move on the Spanish part is sad, stupid, but not unforseen. It plays into the hands of the fucking cataluña nazis, which is what nationalists are.

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