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Comment Re:My 0.02 (Score 1) 103

But this does impose harsh criminal liability because previously owners could argue that their customers didn't have an expectation of privacy in areas outside of the bathroom and bedroom. Thus, if you had a camera up in living room, the host would argue that they couldn't be arrested under peeping tom statutes because their customer had no expectation of privacy. With explicit rules against recording, the customers can say that they relied on the AirBnB rules, and they expected that they had privacy inside the living room of their rental.

Comment Re:Fine whisky? (Score 1) 135

I'm with you. Stuffing as much peat smoke into a whisky is like cramming an IPA with too much hops. It is very easy to overdo, and some people just want to show off. I'm a fan of Black Bush for a good Irish whiskey or Glenkinchie 12-year if going for scotch whisky. I find lowland scotches much more palatable than highland or Islay scotches.

Comment Poor understanding (Score 1) 275

Oh noes, someone can't retire at the exact moment they want to. Of course pension fund recipients can. But any smart self-directed investor doesn't retire on down market years. Smart investors retire when their portfolio says so, not their age. 2008 is just cherry picking one bad period of bad market returns (as if the Social Security ponzi scheme doesn't lose money every single year).

You sound like one of those typical lefties who don't participate in capitalism and the stock market, and then complain it doesn't work for them. Well, yeah! But I gayrunfuckingtee if you put 10% of your wages in the SPY for 30 years, you won't be crying about how capitalism is so bad and unfair.

Comment Re:My understanding is backwards? (Score 1) 275

Your math is correct. Now run the numbers and see what $25,000 of AAPL bought 30 years ago would be worth. Nobody is putting $10M worth of stock in their retirement funds all at once bruh.

You also don't account for the margin value of $10M in stock with these low interest rates. Obviously, you are not a trader or serious investor.

Comment Math fail (Score 1) 275

Dude, even a rudimentary knowledge of accounting principles would tell you how unbelievably stupid YOU are.


Thanks to a lawyer, we know now that Google has made $31 billion in revenue and $22 billion in profit from its Android operating system. (snip)
But if the $31 billion total is correct, Google has earned less money from Android throughout its existence than Apple earned from iPhone sales in fourth quarter of 2015, when it brought in $32.2 billion in revenue.

So $22B in profit from 2008-2015. That's about $3B/year, LOL. And we don't even have a real Android earnings report to look at because Google hides Android in "other." One has to wonder what R&D and subsidies to phone makers really costs Google.

But Google's yearly traffic acquisition costs are $13.4 billion! And that doesn't even count the fact that Google pays Apple $15B A YEAR in 2021 to be its default search provider and this will increase even more to a whopping $18-20 billion in 2022.

Google's overall revenues (2021) are $258 billion. In Google's earnings calls, they don't even mention Android, because it is probably a rounding error, LOLz.

Comment WRONG (Score 1) 275

Of course this is protectionist. It is clearly a shakedown of a wealthy US company; they are trying to steal from Apple shareholders. "Nice company you've got there. It would be a shame if anything happened to it. " Classic mafia-like shakedown, rent seeking BS. Can't innovate or build your own wealth, so you have to steal a US company's. But like I said, turnabout is fair play.

No, the EU market is NOT twice as big as the US.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in European Union was worth 15276.47 billion US dollars in 2020, according to official data from the World Bank.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United States was worth 20936.60 billion US dollars in 2020, according to official data from the World Bank.

The US GDP is 50% larger than the EU, plus it is 70% consumption-based, so the difference is surely larger in terms of whose market is the largest for the other's goods.

Companies do business in the US because it is an innovation-friendly country. It isn't about wealth, wealth can go anywhere in the world. It's about regulations and culture. The EU is old and stuck in its ways and doesn't allow the type of innovation that occurs in Silicon Valley. THIS RENT SEEKING ATTEMPT IS A GREAT EXAMPLE OF WHY THE EU IS A DEAD ZONE FOR INNOVATION.

Comment You are ignorant on a MASSIVE scale (Score 1) 275

LOL how can you be so wrong about something in the era of Google?

UK GDP 15276.47 billion US dollars in 2020
The UK's GDP is 2707.74 billion US dollars in 2020.
United States GDP was worth 20936.60 billion US dollars in 2020

Source: https://tradingeconomics.com/e... https://tradingeconomics.com/u... https://tradingeconomics.com/u...

So the US GDP is 50% larger than the EU's, and over 7 3/4X larger than the UK.

And The US GDP is like a 70% consumption economy, so you can probably increase those numbers by a factor of 1.25.

Who is delusional?

Comment No (Score 0) 275

No, I am saying that Apple customers - generally more affluent and better educated than Android users - are intelligent enough to make their own choices, and prefer the safe walled garden approach to Android's inherent insecurities, operating system inconsistencies between vendors, and lack of timely updates. Maybe just stop calling people who disagree with you stupid and just allow some choice in the world.

Comment 99% False (Score 4, Interesting) 275

While Android might have started earlier than iOS, it was just some random idea by an unknown company.

iPhone development started in 2004, and Jobs informed Apple's Board (which Eric Schmidt sat on).

Schmidt panicked because he knew iPhone, if successful, would kill desktops and Google's desktop ad revenues.

Because of this, Schmidt (in the mother of all conflicts of interest) made Google buy Android in 2005 to compete with iPhone.

The first iPhone shipped in January 2007.

The public release of the Android beta on November 5, 2007.

The first commercial version, Android 1.0, was released on September 23,

The ENTIRE POINT of Google rushing Android phones to market was a response to Steve Jobs revealing the iPhone to him (confidentially while he was sitting on Apple's board)! If Schmidt isn't on Apple's board, there are no Android phones as you know them.

The irony is, Schmidt's evil plan didn't really work very well. The lion's share of mobile ad revenue goes through iPhone. So much so, that Google pays Apple billions of dollars per year just to be the default search engine.

One really wonders if Android has been net profitable for Google if you take all of that into account.

Comment My understanding is backwards? (Score 1) 275

I have been an Apple stockholder for almost 30 years. So I have a very good understanding of how the system works.

My father had to retire due to disability in his 50's. Fortunately, as an Apple stockholder, he is able to live comfortably on the dividends.

Every K-12 public school teacher in America holds Apple stock in their pension funds.

Tell me how many of these whining, ungrateful developers contribute to these type of pro-social outcomes. Sounds like you are the backwards thinking one.

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